A Conservative Resistance?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

#TheResistance began as an attempt by Clinton and her staffers to explain why their unexpected electoral defeat had to be illegitimate. It burgeoned quickly into rejection of rule by voters because so many on the Left and in the ruling class rallied to it, having already decided that ordinary Americans have no right to stand in their way.

The Resistance also portends the wholesale abandonment by the ruling class of limits in cases of electoral victories. Already we have the precedent of the Obama Administration refusing to enforce laws it disliked (defense of marriage, religious freedom restoration, illegal immigration), and ruling “with a pen and a phone” on the principle of “stop me if you can.”

Would a conservative resistance to such a turn of events even be possible? Conservatives lack the control of society’s commanding heights that made the ruling class’s resistance to 2016 so successful. Constitutionalist judges might well rule that certain government actions were ultra vires. But the ruling class would ignore such judges, as they do now, and the media would pillory them. The media would also cheerlead the prosecution of whomever stood in the way.

The conservative resistance would have to be organized, openly as a revolution, by national-level political leaders, whose credible voices could not be silenced. This resistance would have two assets: state-local government backed by the people, and economic boycotts.

But rallying the deplorables would have to overcome the natural conservative reluctance to acknowledge that the Republic of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the republic of “all men are created equal,” is beyond our capacity now to restore. It must be understood that it needs instead to be reasserted anew.

America has already come apart. The conservative resistance can conserve only one of those parts.

I think this type of resistance (political) started during the Obama administration. maybe they were unaware of it. that other type of resistance (services), I think that is just starting. we maybe looking at a bi-polar country.

why should conservative people patronize universities and businesses that don't like them... just because its there? don't think so.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So what would be better?

A socialist dictatorship?
Or a conservative dictatorship?

All that's needed to for both to conform to the US Constitution is to substitute the leader every 8 years.

Ok, Sunday's are great for poly-sci discussions. Have at it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
How about a libertarian despot? Enjoy your freedoms...or else! A socialist dictator would want everyone to be or act socialist. A conservative dictator would (if they were real) limit themselves according to the constitution but would want EVERYONE to know how government works.
The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of Washington!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of Washington! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Death to the fascist insects
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Barlycorn is correct ,, which is the issue the Liberal re-tards don't want you and I to know ,,