Life Happens, own up to it when it does

Saints_fanwhodat's Avatar
I had to cancel an appointment today at the last minute due to a boneheaded oversight on my part. I did however own-up to it and paid a cancellation fee.
All we have in this world is our word but a persons actions speak much louder than those words.

My sincere Apologies again to the Lady and thank you for your understanding, I will reschedule soon after I recover from this embarrassment. Hugs.
You Sir are a TRUE Gentlemen!!......

Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 08-02-2019, 11:08 PM
Stuff happens. We’re only human But awesome of you to Appreciate y’all time
DallasRain's Avatar
thats why I luv ya...youre a classy guy!

Bet that nade the gals day!

see ya in September!!!
Saints_fanwhodat's Avatar
Awe shucks! ☺️
Very classy move.
If a provider cancels at the last minute, is she obligated to make up for it?
LoveTheGoddess's Avatar
Very classy move.
If a provider cancels at the last minute, is she obligated to make up for it? Originally Posted by RideMeGood

If a provider cancels at the last minute, is she obligated to make up for it?

As a client who has had providers cancel on me due to unforeseen reasons (like out calls being canceled due to car trouble), my general view is there is no obligation on the provider's aspect. Part of the way it works in my mind is that our session more or less is like other business which I engage in where the other party may simply have to cancel due to whatever reason. I am not OWED anything at all in this situation since I am simply a client and if the provider can no longer meet the obligation than so be it. This doesn't work vice versa since the provider is impacted in multiple ways such as how their scheduling works (they could of taken a client but they reserved the time for your no show bum) and due to the effort they put into getting ready. So, my general rule is that there should be no obligation if the provider is unable to fulfill the original obligation normally. I say "normally" since if there was a deposit or something than I would argue they should either return it or work something out.

Now all of this said, even when situations like this have occurred, the people who I have seen generally have been quite kind with regards to making things up to me. Anyway, that is just my opinion...
I appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to make it right and have since seen me AND written a yes review. I love that you’re such a gentleman and you’ll always be welcome with me.. XOXOXO
DallasRain's Avatar
Very classy move.
If a provider cancels at the last minute, is she obligated to make up for it? Originally Posted by RideMeGood

If I do then i offer to make it up to gent by cutting him a deal

Life happens. But how we react to it counts!