Dating Dangers

myren1900's Avatar
The following local story is an interesting reminder that “dating” unverified providers, Seeking Arrangement girls and even Tinder has its risk:

The pimp and his prostitute in the local story operated in several states and scammed and robbed numerous men:

Be careful out there !
  • A1.
  • 08-15-2019, 06:19 PM
Killed him with poison and tells everyone she didn't know he was dead while he laid there immobile. This wasn't the first murder attempt and knew the risk of a life was in the balance.
Steals his wallet to go shopping with his credit card.
myren1900's Avatar
This couple were ruthless robbing people. The Huffington Post article above gives a lot of details how the couple met in New Orleans in 2013 and started a crime spree. Includes pics of them. Wonder if anyone here saw her.

Pangolier's Avatar
Good thing for me I don't drink alcohol... When in session with providers, I only drink bottled water that I've brought. Besides, alcohol is not good for the function of the male reproductive system.
Must be tourists. Thatd be a win win for most local clients. Hired a hooker and scored some free dope out of the deal
ewww if a guy does drugs...I'll pass on that ass