
I think I need to apology to the newbie that called me last night. I was SOOOO rude. But i need to defend myself.
so the rest of this post is directed to newbies and/or hobbyists that do not read, but only look at pics for dates.

the phone call happened like after 10pm.( i dont know exact time for i was asleep) and not only was one called placed, but when i n=didnt answer the first time, a second call came right after. that pissed me off.leave a message.
then when i did answer, very hard to hear the person when i was asking who was calling me. ( with a tone in my voice)

OK... so, I have listed on my showcase that I am newbie friendly but.. S*IT, I also have on there, clear as day, my hours what is required etc. ( no phone calls or text) what the hell else can i do?

so yes iam a bit perturbed, and i do not want to be NOT NEWBIE FRIENDLY, but work with me here. be respectful of other people.

for those that know me, it takes a lot to get me going in this way. And to you I am sorry for ranting on with this subject that keeps coming up. I am also sorry for that poor dude that called me and i was really rude. SO not me. But i have been getting alot of this as I am sure the rest of the ladies are. More so than ever.

any ways.. Happy Tuesday to all... still love ya. lol

licks and kisses
Budman's Avatar
Get a hobby phone and turn it off when you don't want to take calls.
Yeah MsLove, it should cost you more because SOME people can't read much less follow directions.

I too am not nice when contacted during non-business hours.

I had a hobby phone. Some fuck up got the 2 numbers mixed up and that failed.

I tried prepaid and it cost a bundle to listen to all the "ahhh I uhhhh well I ahhh" callers. Bad idea

Now I just turn my ringer off. Yeah it sucks that NOONE (not even family) can reach me. But thats still the best way to go IMHO.

And I LOVE those who dont leave a message and keep calling back,lmao like that will help.

Hang in there MsLove, pm me if you wanna have phone fun,lmao.
budman... u would think that would take care of the issue.. but it wont. it should be respect when I have everything posted... times available etc. It is a newbie thang IMHO. I dont have any hobbyist call me at ten o clock nite. EVER. but maybe another phone is in order. something else i need to take care of. hehehehehe

@jessystone.... hey baby, what ya doing? lol what ya wearing? want a date? ( the first 3 things asked and u dont even know who u are talking to yet) and and best ever... " you available?" LMFAO

licks to ya
Budman's Avatar
It's not necessarily people not following directions but many times numbers and names are stored in a hobby phone. They may not be reading the ad at the time they make the call. I know in many cases I have found someone I am interested in meeting and I will put their info into my phone and make the call at a more convenient time. I have no idea if this is he case with this caller but it is a plausible explanation. Phones are not that expensive and in your line of work I would think it is a necessity. The other option is to turn your phone ringer off.
thanks for your opinion babe.. Iam not ruling out getting a phone, but all that goes with it, when i have had the same number forever and all the back up work i will have to do, when all my "friends" have the number already. just seems like a pain in the ass is all I am trying to say. but I am sure it will not be an issue getting a new phone just for this.

and licks and kisses to you also btw
i have google voice. (some like it, some dont. i havent had any issues)
so when i answer, i know immediately if the call is for amaya or me.
if its for amaya & shes 'off' --i send to vmail.

lol sometimes my friends are like
---what happen, you just hung up? i just say- telemarketers!

wouldnt it be nice if there were a "guide to this lifestyle"
ghost80's Avatar
@mskitti aww then it would be too easy lol j/k

Sorry to hear that happened sweetie some guys just quickly think with that little head instead of the one that matters at the time lol. I know for a fact that you are one of the most light hearted woman I know and you deserve better, wish you well when dealing with the newbies lol
lol...i meant a guide for newbies
things are supposed to be "easy" here
ghost80's Avatar
Ahhh I got ya just makes me wish I was home again
Yay hobby phones
Rodram's Avatar
No worries BJ you have a great rep and I know this from personal experience so don't worry that anyone would take your issue wrong. I imagine it is annoying to get those calls.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
My first call to a lady here wasn't the greatest. I was nervous and probably mumbled and stuttered. Now I am more at ease.

But if he found your number, he should have read the rest about hours and such.
I don't like it when they just look at pictures and dont fully read detail...I dont like being ugly over the phone but sometimes it is called for. Then you have some newbies who know that they are violating rules and still bug the hell out of you
sushiguy's Avatar
I'm a newbie and continue to make several mistakes. I'm still trying to understand how this site works. Very difficult... A newbie instruction manual would be VERY helpful. I doubt it could hurt.

Jessy Stone- Mmmm , I would love to see those things that you do that you won't advertise maam.