This is really weird how all of a sudden I'm getting a bunch of AA calls...is this a plot of some sort lol.
I do not discriminate but like I said I've had past problems, and I will not risk it
Alcoholics Anonymous need loving too.
bamatide's Avatar
Amen, where's my drink?????
i know right jj.
but hey, to each their own.
gooose's Avatar
If she doesnt want to see Asian American thats her choice.
...I'm not talking about Alcoholics Anonymous **been there done that** You know what I meanIt's no hard feelings...I'm just always worried something might happenIt's happened once...it could happen again
black5uperman's Avatar
Being African American I understand and respect your choice but if you don't want calls might help to put a notice or something your not interested. Sorry for what happened to make you feel that way...
Hmm poor asian americans.. Where's my vodka
keeping us on track and perhaps you might consider placing that information somewhere in your Showcase. I think other providers do that in addition to something on your advertisements.
And I believe this is still a privately owned forum and participation is definitely voluntary either through participation or paying a fee.
Providers / Agencies appear to be private vendors as it were and have their own business modules.
jack16232's Avatar
But.... i L-O-V-E Avery Ashton !!
@ black5superman, I believe it's against policy to openly discriminate (although some do) especially when folks provide a public service. To each there own, but if someone wanted to be a dick about it lawsuits would be all over the place...I believe there was a case like that last year in Vegas. Ms. Lacy there will always be problems in this field and one day all the others maybe a problem for you then what? I would think those CraigList K types are the ones to look out for...lol
Chuck12's Avatar
@ black5superman, I believe it's against policy to openly discriminate (although some do) especially when folks provide a public service. To each there own, but if someone wanted to be a dick about it lawsuits would be all over the place...I believe there was a case like that last year in Vegas. Ms. Lacy there will always be problems in this field and one day all the others maybe a problem for you then what? I would think those CraigList K types are the ones to look out for...lol Originally Posted by curtymac
Dude seriously? Lawsuit here? Public service? Policy? This is the funniest post I've read. I'd love to see that lawsuit alleging discrimination based on race by a provider.
lol chuck! i so agree with you
send all the athletes, asians, alcoholics, and africans, my way!
i may discriminate if you dont have refs however
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-07-2011, 10:42 PM
@ black5superman, I believe it's against policy to openly discriminate (although some do) especially when folks provide a public service. Originally Posted by curtymac

What are you going to do? Report her to the BBB?

Yeah, good luck with that one.

I have stated this before but it bears repeating...

It is the lady's right to run her business as she sees fit. It is the gent's right to choose who he wants to visit. Simple as that. You do not like someone's rules or preferences? Then move on to someone else. There is nothing else you can do and all the hand wringing, pissing, moaning and bitching about it will not change anything.