Fred Phelps

kcbigpapa's Avatar
"Dead Marine's Father Ordered to Pay Protesters' Legal Costs" is an article about the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka run by Fred Phelps. I would love to send the soldier's father some money, but I cannot bring myself to do it. Knowing the money is going to go to Phelps would drive me nuts. This soldier died for the freedoms we enjoy, which includes Phelps right to free speech and his right to assembly, and his family is repaid in this manner. The Westboro Baptist Church was out in downtown KC this weekend as well protesting a Kevin Smith appearance.
Let He Who Is Without Sin, Cast The First Stone!

Oh Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred.....Judgment day will approach him one day LOL! His religion is supposedly one based on LOVE, not tearing people down until they feel like the biggest most unwanted pieces of shits on the face of the Earth. He would hate me as I have gay friends, support their choice of lifestyle and believe everyone has the same value and should be treated equally as good as the next person. I remember when he would come to the college I went to. The whole campus would be infuriated with his visits/presence!! I'm sure in his silly lil mind, he believes he's doing the work of the Lord. I could be wrong, but I was under the impression it was about being kind to others no matter what decisions they make in life, love them for them not what they are or what they do!
dirty dog's Avatar
The religion Phelps preaches is an aborted by product of a sick, demented mind. For the record, there is some confusion as to why Phelps protests funerals, its not because the soldier is gay as many think, its because the military allows gays in the service so in his messed up mind he protests the soldiers because they died in support of a government that supports homosexuality.
I read today the Bill O'Reilly is going to pay the 16k, and funds are being raised to appeal the ruling.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I read today the Bill O'Reilly is going to pay the 16k, and funds are being raised to appeal the ruling. Originally Posted by vitokc
The father said he won't pay a dime until the US Supreme Court makes him. They agreed to hear the case, which I do believe is scheduled for the fall.

DD, I believe you are partially correct about the reasons the Phelps family protests the soldiers' funerals. The main reason is because they feel the United States is becoming too gay friendly, not just the armed forces.
I see his group all the time, up close and personal. He believes that soldiers die because of God's revenge on an immoral nation.

I also think his funeral stunts get him lots of attention (and any publicity is good publicity, when you're looking for donations to your 'church').

I dislike it when the media pays attention to him. The local media has been pretty good in the last few years about that....but then I hear Shirley Roper Phelps on Alan Colmes a few times a year?!?! WTF? He tries to portray her as a 'right wing nut', to score political points...but gives her free publicity.

P.S. I looked at the video posted below, and both Hannity and Colmes have had Phelps they're both useful idiots giving her free publicity.
Hawkeye's Avatar
I've passed through the gauntlet of Fred and his family while simply walking between churches on Palm Sunday. I"ll never forget it. When I saw this thread, I honestly hoped that he had died.
The last time I actually saw Fred was 4 years ago. He looked awful, so the end may be near. Around the same time, there was a news special (I think 20/20) which looked at the next generation of groups likes Phelps, and investigated whether or not the group would survive his death. I tend to think that yes it will.
BiggestBest's Avatar
Fred Phelps is the best thing that ever happened to anti-religious groups.

Fred represents the church about as much as Al-Qa'ida represents all Muslims. (There are over 1 billion Muslims and about 400 in Al-Qa'ida.)
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Fred Phelps is the best thing that ever happened to anti-religious groups. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
I'm not so sure about that. I don't think even the anti-religious people take the Phelps seriously.
Fred Phelps is the best thing that ever happened to anti-religious groups. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
I agree somewhat, but I also believe the most main stream christians, and I include myself in that group, don't consider fringe "religious organizations" such as this one and so many others to be true religious groups with any real connection with God. Thus, I think most look upon Mr Phelps much as they do Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson not as reverands, but as publicity hounds.
arealwingdinger's Avatar
Years ago a book was written by a guy working at the Topeka-Capitol Journel. It never made the publishing press...but you can read it online. It is called Addicted to Hate. Google the title and Phelps name and you should find it. It allows you into the mind and the family. Very scary place. I for one believe that Mr. Phelps is hiding his own secret. As the good book says..."Thou doth protest too much"

If you read the book, you will walk away wondering how this guy is still walking the streets. He is a blackeye on Topeka for sure.
Philhelm's Avatar
I've been considering visiting those...pieces of filth now that I live in Kansas. Perhaps I should protest in front of their church, holding a sign that says, "God hates you!" Phelps is filth.
Longermonger's Avatar
I get a kick out of the intolerant right wingnuts who believe in a crazy religion looking to their immediate right at a guy who's just a tad more intolerant, crazier, and winggnuttier than they are...and being (wait for it...) OUTRAGED! I'm standing to the left of both of you and can tell that you look more alike than you'd care to admit. You're all religious zealots. It's just that Phelps' group is too zealous for you. He's a couple more clicks to the right of the Bell curve than your group. By now I'm sure that you're (wait for it...) OUTRAGED at what I typed. Don't get your panties in a bunch. I'm just giving you my perspective. So I can ask...

...why haven't any of you guys done anything about Phelps? Or do wingnuts only kill doctors at church in Kansas? I'm not saying that you should harm him, just asking why all of the well-armed conservative folks around him haven't. So?

I don't think anybody has even vandalized the fence around his compound in all the years he's been there. And what about his flagpole? Are you gonna let that slide?