providers showcases.

I might be a Dumba** and havent seen it. But I think that providers Showcases. even when they post, should read how many reviews they have on them in this site. Since really they dont post reviews maybe under the post number, the reviews number can be how many times they have been reviewed in this site. or a way that the reviewers can click a button or something to show that they did a review on that provider. Help other people looking at that provider to tell if they have been reviewed before and how many times they have. just a thought.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I might be a Dumba** and havent seen it. But I think that providers Showcases. even when they post, should read how many reviews they have on them in this site. Since really they dont post reviews maybe under the post number, the reviews number can be how many times they have been reviewed in this site. or a way that the reviewers can click a button or something to show that they did a review on that provider. Help other people looking at that provider to tell if they have been reviewed before and how many times they have. just a thought. Originally Posted by bodyofagodbudha
Near the bottom of the showcase pages there is an area for links to reviews, both here and at other sites. Those links are probably provided by the ladies putting up the showcases, and therefore might be considered "cherry picked" to feature her best reviews (a mod or a lady can speak up if that's not the case). Also, not every lady links to her reviews; it appears to depend on how she puts her showcase together.

It sounds like what you're asking for is some sort of automatic listing of at least the number of reviews a lady has here, if not a listing of links to her reviews here. That'd be a matter of programming the site to do such a thing. I don't know if it's impossible, but I'd bet it's not a trivial matter. I'm not a programmer, though, so I could be wrong.


It sounds like what you're asking for is some sort of automatic listing of at least the number of reviews a lady has here, if not a listing of links to her reviews here. That'd be a matter of programming the site to do such a thing. I don't know if it's impossible, but I'd bet it's not a trivial matter. I'm not a programmer, though, so I could be wrong.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
I agree it would be nice, but the problem I see with it is more content than anything else. I believe the providers ought to be able to control the content of their showcases (after all, it is their showcase). By doing this, you take away the control. As the mods and frequent users of ASPD always said, that is what the Search function is for. Yes, the ladies probably link to the best reviews. If you want find others before seeing a lady, use the Search function.
yeah i know. it was just one of those spur of the moment thought that sounded like a winner at the moment. ha ha one of my wishful thinking/ dumba** moments i have them alot. ha ha but usually i dont verbalize them. this one just slipped. thnx guys
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  • HSP
  • 02-07-2010, 06:14 AM

Thanks for the suggestion! It has been passed along.