Elle James threatening and time wasting provider

I was hesitant making this post, but since mongers from tna board encouraged that I should mentioned the providers name and that other mongers also faced similar situations I thought to write my experience and share it to other boards.

So basically what happened is I made appointment day before with ELLE James and I confirmed the morning of the day which is my Birthday. Then she said if it’s ok if she is 15min late which is fine, then I texted I’m at the place and got reply like 10-15min later saying issue with landlord if I can walk around the block and to buy tequila (which to take out from tribute) so I did that and went back, and still landlord issue, now it’s been little over an hour I waited, then get text apologizing and that to appointment has to be canceled and apologizes and said wants to email gift (which I never got) and said if to meet on Wednesday, so I finally agreed to meet, and texted in morning and even mid afternoon to confirm, but didn’t get proper response on exact location. Then at the time she told me to show up in particular street, I texted and yet no reply (I sent text 10 min before as well) and I even called but no response, I sent email just Incase her phone doesn’t work. It started to be 30min after the appointment and yet no response , being frustrated that both my b-day and another day wasted I thought to put review on switter and private delight (I had to email admin to delete) , and that’s when the whole angry text I got saying I’m the one telling lies and ruining rep, even thou I had all the proof and even threatened to ruin my rep. But after sending screen shot proof, she wanted to pay me to delete but I don’t like to blackmail anyone and I guess feeling sorry that I said I will delete all the post and won’t make any post mentioning her name. I just wish people had the courtesy to say not intrested or can’t make it.

Not sure if that’s being too nice or being a pushover in beginning when I deleted post, even thou she did have 5 stars rating. At least I didn’t make deposit even thou I was willing to pay small amount that won’t hurt. But I guess In this situation being stood up 2 times regardless if person has high rating shows that their has to be better way to prevent these situations.
She could benefit from an assistant as she is organizationally challenged. I had similar issues connecting with her. I did meet her twice and it was a fine experience. Not sure it was worth the headaches and wasted time. Nice girl but like many of us who play/provide, has issues.