Since the thread I wanted to post this in is closed, I guess I have to start a new one. I do wish people would stay on subject and stop the childish bickering. Fat chance I suppose.
A few things were said in my last thread that I wanted to comment on.
Yes, I used photos that were NOT of me. However, the photos were an EXACT depiction of myself. Back home, I openly admitted that these photos were NOT me LONG AGO. However, the mods there obviously did not see an issue. And I was never told the guidelines. It's nice to be hobbying in a place where the mods actually take things on this bored seriously. And it is my fault for not reading the guidelines THOROUGHLY, and I am correcting that mistake.
You all now know that the OP of the review made a mistake in posting the ROS where everyone could read it. If I wasn't supposed to make comments about it, I'm sorry. I took offense to a few things and wanted to clarify some things that were said in the review that were untrue. That is all.
There was a comment in my last thread about weight. I do not mind over-weight gentlemen. As long as your hygiene is GOOD and there are no bad smells. This doesn't only apply to gentlemen that have a little extra weight. This applies to EVERYONE.