IT HAD BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION AND IM PISSED.. if in wrong place mods please move ... thanks



It has been brought to my attention that certain things have come up on a few of my reviews that are NOT TRUE

How dare someone lie about what goes on to boast yourself up... for those that know me I am pretty cool.. I speak my mind and put my foot down on things... I tell u what is allowed and is not allowed point blank and if its not to your liking then I understand and u have the choice to stay or leave

For someone to write false things about me and tell other hobbyist is not cool at all...

For this I am extremely upset...

So for those who feel the need to write or tell someone these false staements SHAME ON YOU

I wont be sorry for this post be what it may think what you want but for those who know me know that I stand my ground and I will not allow anyone to tell me other wise
FootLong's Avatar
Hey abby. Don't know why anyone would 'inflate' a review about you as a visit with you is already quite awesome without embellishment. I have no idea what review item led to this (am way behind on my reading) but you have plenty of creds here that one or two braggadoccios will be understood for what they are. Kharma will have the last say.

Take care out there. And Happy New Year!
bamatide's Avatar
Abby did you bring your concerns to the attention of the Mods? They can best clear up the situation. Good luck!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-06-2013, 10:53 PM

Please send me in a PM the links to the reviews in question and I will look into it.
bigjimt52's Avatar
Im with Abby on this one....Ive seen her 6-7 time and never anything but a great time...and yes she speaks her mind...just last wk she told me " cut out all this foreplay crap and get up here and just fuck I did....
promdate's Avatar
GOOD GRIEF!! Having had the pleasure of Ms Abby's company on several occasions---just stating the bare facts(activities) will result in an awesome & incredible encounter. why anyone would need to alter from the facts is totally uncalled for & unwarranted! Her vast positive reviews speak for themselves! just my .02cents!
Willen's Avatar
Well, I've been remiss in not going to see Abby, but I can tell you lady that you have a fine rep here on the board, and one negative comment isn't going to put anyone off who has paid attention to what the hobby has had to say for quite awhile now.

This is a reminder to all of us, but especially to newbies--don't rely on any single post.