GOP meltdown

eyecu2's Avatar
Trump's Not even on the Nevada state ballot, but Nikki Haley is- so they're hoping that nobody Picks Haley rather, but picks another candidate not listed. And Oh yeah, the GOP Party chairperson and Co chair are both under felony indictment for trying to steal the Nevada elections and Produce a fake slate of electors. They are both Indicted and Ready to stand trial...go NEVADA

Even worse, The Republican.State chair resigned after recordings surfaced about him and Kari Lake ...weird bribery scandal to keep her from running so more electable candidates could run. AZ GOT it going on.


GOP state part chair was fired against his will...For weeks, Christian Ziegler, the chairman, resisted calls for him to step down, keeping the scandal in the headlines and exasperating Republicans who insisted that he could not survive the political repercussions of such a serious accusation. In mid-December, the state party’s executive committee censured Mr. Ziegler and stripped him of his duties and annual salary of $120,000 after Gov. Ron DeSantis, Senator Rick Scott and some county-level Republican chairs had urged him to go. Bye bye Felicia.

Republican party chair was removed from her office and her replacement showed up both at the Republican party annual winter meeting both claiming to be the chair person - so they gave them guest passes and listed the state party leaders is vacant. Couldn't vote or participate in

And lastly..
National party chair of the GOP is also on the cusp of being thrown out. Yes Ronna McDaniel. Yes she's the same person that lost more seats in the 2020 election since the 1980s by losing over 40 seats to Democrats by her supreme leadership. Ronna in 2022 turned in a worse performance in a decade and even her boy Trump is cashing out on her.

In 2023, Dems won in states that has referendum on reproductive rights...

And now 2024..the big winter GOP show...guess what. Rona McDaniels hit with a wave of resignation calls. Ambushes with mounting GOP criticism and requests for her to step down. MAGA morons rage at her over all of the RNC failures - but none of them think to blame Trump. Just about projecting and TOFTT.


Trump said I think we're going to make some changes aka "- time for Ronna to hit the road and kick rocks."

A party with no party platform.
No candidate named yet who's being active in primary debates and no general election debates. Why,? They will no longer participate on presidential debates. Following Trump's instructions like lemmings .

We're no longer a two-party system as it was known before, we're more a singular party on one side that does political party stuff, and then a group that follows a single guy on the other. That same guy who's going to court to face federal felony charges.

What do you call that system? A one plus 1 party??

- what could possibly go wrong??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They’ll never believe it.

But just wait…
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump's Not even on the Nevada state ballot, but Nikki Haley is- so they're hoping that nobody Picks Haley rather, but picks another candidate not listed. And Oh yeah, the GOP Party chairperson and Co chair are both under felony indictment for trying to steal the Nevada elections and Produce a fake slate of electors. They are both Indicted and Ready to stand trial...go NEVADA

Even worse, The Republican.State chair resigned after recordings surfaced about him and Kari Lake ...weird bribery scandal to keep her from running so more electable candidates could run. AZ GOT it going on.


GOP state part chair was fired against his will...For weeks, Christian Ziegler, the chairman, resisted calls for him to step down, keeping the scandal in the headlines and exasperating Republicans who insisted that he could not survive the political repercussions of such a serious accusation. In mid-December, the state party’s executive committee censured Mr. Ziegler and stripped him of his duties and annual salary of $120,000 after Gov. Ron DeSantis, Senator Rick Scott and some county-level Republican chairs had urged him to go. Bye bye Felicia.

Republican party chair was removed from her office and her replacement showed up both at the Republican party annual winter meeting both claiming to be the chair person - so they gave them guest passes and listed the state party leaders is vacant. Couldn't vote or participate in

And lastly..
National party chair of the GOP is also on the cusp of being thrown out. Yes Ronna McDaniel. Yes she's the same person that lost more seats in the 2020 election since the 1980s by losing over 40 seats to Democrats by her supreme leadership. Ronna in 2022 turned in a worse performance in a decade and even her boy Trump is cashing out on her.

In 2023, Dems won in states that has referendum on reproductive rights...

And now 2024..the big winter GOP show...guess what. Rona McDaniels hit with a wave of resignation calls. Ambushes with mounting GOP criticism and requests for her to step down. MAGA morons rage at her over all of the RNC failures - but none of them think to blame Trump. Just about projecting and TOFTT.


Trump said I think we're going to make some changes aka "- time for Ronna to hit the road and kick rocks."

A party with no party platform.
No candidate named yet who's being active in primary debates and no general election debates. Why,? They will no longer participate on presidential debates. Following Trump's instructions like lemmings .

We're no longer a two-party system as it was known before, we're more a singular party on one side that does political party stuff, and then a group that follows a single guy on the other. That same guy who's going to court to face federal felony charges.

What do you call that system? A one plus 1 party??

- what could possibly go wrong?? Originally Posted by eyecu2

if you say so

We're no longer a two-party system as it was known before, we're more a singular party on one side that does political party stuff, and then a group that follows a single guy on the other. That same guy who's going to court to face federal felony charges.

What do you call that system? A one plus 1 party??

- what could possibly go wrong?? Originally Posted by eyecu2
... Hmmmm... I'm just NOT seeing it that-way, mate.
I'm still seeing the two-party system.

... It surely seem that one party has the popular fellow
running for president... While the other party is backing
TWO candidates - the current president for their-own
party and backing a candidate against the front-runner
of the other party.

Still a two-party system... Unless you wanna also count
the Greens, Libertarians, and the Nudists - amoung others.

... And more to your point - I'm also not seeing a
"GOP meltdown"... Politicians being sent-out and
being sent-off surely happen all the time - no matter
which party. ... Just sayin'

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The popular fellow?

Dude, you crack me up!

Be one of the cool people! Vote MAGA!

Can't you see that MAGA has turned GOP into POS?

The popular fellow?

Dude, you crack me up!

Be one of the cool people! Vote MAGA!

Can't you see that MAGA has turned GOP into POS?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Go on with ya, mate... You know I'm correct.

The politicians come and go all the time... This one aint
gonna seek re-election... That-one is gonna retire,
the next one facing campaign charges, the last one
almost wen to jail... ... blah, blah blah... And it
goes on and on... Like Karma Cameleon...

They come and go ... They come and go oooo-ooo oh!

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I know you’re most definitely not correct, but you are entertaining.

And I do appreciate your affinity for the music of Boy George.
eyecu2's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I did say so; As a matter of fact - I'd love for you to show us how anything that has happened in GOP america is happening without a hand in it from Trump. How has the GOP shown an ounce of leadership or ideology without it first getting vetted by him?

I've never seen a bigger group of non-think happening in my life. It was in the past atleast people vying for some collaboration internally within the party or externally across the aisle. In today's GOP- if it isnt' blessed by the pope Trump, and had the ring kissed, it just doesn't happen.

Prove me wrong.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump loves the uneducated.

The uneducated GOP in Congress loves him back.
I did say so; As a matter of fact - I'd love for you to show us how anything that has happened in GOP america is happening without a hand in it from Trump. How has the GOP shown an ounce of leadership or ideology without it first getting vetted by him?

I've never seen a bigger group of non-think happening in my life. It was in the past atleast people vying for some collaboration internally within the party or externally across the aisle. In today's GOP- if it isnt' blessed by the pope Trump, and had the ring kissed, it just doesn't happen.

Prove me wrong. Originally Posted by eyecu2
... But WHERE'S the meltdown? ...

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I've never seen a bigger group of non-think happening in my life...

Prove me wrong. Originally Posted by eyecu2
How about Nine straight minutes of this:

Just another day for the gop that has never been known for smart people. They don't accept defeat and try lol to steal elections like Biden. Biden and his people were smart though. They had every federal judge in America corrupted
eyecu2's Avatar
... But WHERE'S the meltdown? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It's happening all around, with the failed impeachment of majorcas, and of course the unanimous ruling that just kicked Trump right straight in the dick - having to be held accountable.

He doesn't have blanket immunity!!

All in all it seems like the GOP is a party without policy, and soon to be a party without a politician.

If you don't think that's a meltdown & think it's a great success - I feel sorry for you.

How's all the winning feel??
... Again, YOU were talking "MELTDOWN"...

Where is it?

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
... Again, YOU were talking "MELTDOWN"...

Where is it?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Perhaps you prefer the term Failure, or Losers better; or Falling, Unsuccessful, Doomed, Failing, Ruined, Undone, Loss, Beating, Setback, Overthrow, Rout, Failure, Whipping, Drubbing, and on and on.

Feel free to pick whatever word connotes that the GOP is swinging and missing more than a batter with a .000 Batting average.

I can't recall the last thing that the GOP lead to victory- since 2016. They have shit the bed in almost every way, and despite polls, lost their shit in 2020, 2022, 2023.. and soon

Wait for it.

we surely are waiting for it....

Another loss...

IN November 2024!

Or you can say we won the polls!! and lost the race. Either way pick your favorite word that best describes the GOP and how they have performed in the past 4 plus yrs. Ask Ronna McDaniel how much winning the GOP has been doing?

She's going to have lots of time on her hands very shortly!!!

Maybe she'll write a book- it's what every GOP loser and FOX personality has done, or start selling sleep and veggie pills.