Encounter: Amelia-Rosa

  • oherc
  • 04-11-2021, 07:01 PM
User ID: https://sumosear.ch/images/webpage/m...2#&gid=1&pid=2
Date: 9 Apr, 2021
Name: Rosa
Phone: 6016912501
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://escortalligator.com.listcraw...loxi/58243402/
City: ocean springs
State: Mississippi
Address: notel motel exit 50
Activities: convo, cbj, daty, missionary
Hair Length and Color: brown, shoulders, face looked really rough, no make up, and reddish boils
Age: mid to late 20's
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: rough in face, but okay.... short about 5'2, small/med build
Recommendation: No
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Wow, and she looks so inviting in her pics. Luck of the draw, I guess. Thanks for the heads up!
Hey Oherc, they say “when they give you lemons, make lemonade “, I don’t have any idea what you made, lol, hmmm... the daty sounds downright daunting, more power to ya, brother, I am certainly glad that I missed it.