Hardwood all the way. So much easier to take care of, and no smells. Carpet seems to trap smells, and is the pits if you spill something on it. Ever been to a motel 6 since they took the carpet out of them. Huge difference in smell.
Being 50 I appreciate hardwood whenever I get it... Seriously hard wood with a nice rug will do you well. The best of both and you can always replace the rug.
i like both no were not talking full on 70's porno bush but trimmed and tidy is always nice since so many just shave it all off! but if there is turf on the field the gates have to be shaved smooth i like trimmed for aesthetics but i don't want it in my mouth.
I wonder what the providers prefer in their clients? Usually a pleasant surprise when you get to see a new one for the first time no matter what's down there.