OMFG Steve Harvey, MC of Miss Universe names wrong winner

And does not correct his mistake until after she was crowned and waving to the audience for several minutes.

When he says wait, I made a mistake, Columbia is runner up and winner is Phillipines, Columbia is up there crying, Phillipines walks up next to her and it takes a while for last years winner to get back up to remove crown from Columbia and as she turns to crown Phillipines the broadcast ends before the crown is placed. I usually don't give a shot about these pageants but that was pitiful. About as bad a screwup as when Christina Aguilera screwed up the National Anthem at Super Bowl.
yes i watched this too so embarrassing for him.. He probably will not be invited to host again
Danielle Reid's Avatar
It seemed so set up though. Like they needed some sort of scandal to get people talking about it
you mean he didn't say ark monroe?
The pageant was owned by Trump until this year. This was their first sortie without Trump being involved. Will be interesting to see how this gets spun. Was funny and sad at the same time, couldn't help but feel sorry for the girls.
Jami-Lynn's Avatar
It was so awkward!! I thought it was a joke at first! Pretty big mistake...ouch!
Thankfully the camera never went to the face of Miss Columbia during this fuck up. She didn't deserve any additional humiliation.
WASP's Avatar
  • WASP
  • 12-23-2015, 04:13 PM
It seemed so set up though. Like they needed some sort of scandal to get people talking about it Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
I agree.. Notice how the Camera was on Ms Philippines. The whole time of the re announcement to get her reaction. Seemed this was a set up and Steve knew it all along. I mean the card was a clear read. Unless he just had his thumb over the bottom.

But for being this big of a mistake and live TV. It just seemed a little to rehearsed. As Ms.Philippines came walking down the isle right after the correction smiling and waving like she would do if originally announced she had won.

Just something seems a bit off for such a huge live national TV screw up.
guy fawkes's Avatar
kuroshiro's Avatar
Just imagine though, if the screw up didn't happen, most of us probably would not have even heard about the pageant.