New to this community and kinda scared

trying's Avatar
Ok i am a newbie at this hobby as in my very first time. I have tried to set up a couple of meetings for a upcoming trip to Texas. Most providers won't respond as I have no history, butt I found a girl that I really liked her profile that did and agreed to set up a date. My question is and why I'm spooked is all that happened was I sent her a email from her website and she responded with how long and booked the appointment . There was no screening at all just OK we can meet then. She has great reviews here and on several other sites butt it just seems to easy. I did use a real email to contact her could she have screened me from that.]
Yea maybe she did screening from your email address. I don't know. I would be leery too if not much questions or more info asked.
What's to figure out? Too easy? You must have contacted her in a polite enough way...You're looking for fun, the girls are looking for business. Pretty simple. Go for it. You gotta start sometime, somewhere. Don't forget to write a review.

I suggest you set up a hobby email that only you know about. You're taking a chance using your civilian contact info here. Also, think about using either Google Voice or a cheap, non-contract burner phone for contact with the ladies here.
It depends on the provider some girls go based on just their gut, it might not be the best way to review, definitely not very safe but some girls do it that way. Especially if she is impeccable reviewed it is possible that she may have some screening apps on her phone you may not know about also which could include personal information about you; ie: address, name etc. Just a thought...
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-09-2014, 02:40 PM
You SHOULD be scared. It's obviously a set up.
And THEY have your real email address now too?
Uh oh. You're fucked.

You SHOULD be scared. It's obviously a set up.
And THEY have your real email address now too?
Uh oh. You're fucked.

Originally Posted by riday
Hermosa's Avatar
If you contacted this lady from this site and if she has a number of positive reviews, then go for it! Some ladies make verification so difficult that the best thing to do is just move on. Some make the process very easy. You'll just have to get a little history behind you and play safe and have fun.
plainjoe's Avatar
Prolongus makes two great points that will keep your real life accounts separate from your hobby life - hobby e-mail account (do not recommend gmail or yahoo - they scan e-mails, use an anonymous service) and throw-away phone. I recommend a cheap "stupid" phone from Walmart paid with cash and top off with top off cards with cash so there is nothing to trace a phone to you.

Do your research. ECCIE is a good place to research ladies and possibly meething them. STAY AWAY FROM BP. Also consider using a verification site (P411 is a good one)

Good luck! Be safe - and if your "spidey" senses go off, walk away...use your BIG head. Have fun