Contact etiquette concern from a newbie?

I am completely new to the hobby, and I'm a little concerned I may have made a bad etiquette move. I contacted a lady and explained I was a newbie and what times I was thinking of.

We confirmed the appointment through email, and I asked her if it was okay to send her specific requests through email about outfits. She responded with "what type."

I thought she meant what type of outfit, so I described it generally. Nothing explicit--I like normal and comfortable, so I suggested a blouse or strappy top, jeans or slacks, and sneakers. Yeah, I know, a little unusual maybe. I didn't mention underwear or any underwear items by name, just said "I'll leave the rest to you, but I really liked that set you were wearing in your photos."

Only after I had sent the reply did it occur to me that she was probably asking what type of request I was thinking of, so she could tell me if it was okay to ask. It hasn't been long since I sent it, but I'm worried I committed a huge faux pas. Did I?
RedLeg505's Avatar
If all you discussed where outfits and "looks " you wanted... no faux pas committed. Referring to specific sex acts.. yes.. that is a BIG No No.
jframe2's Avatar
The only way to know is if she still met with you.

If I may suggest, you might hold off on communications that have specific information until you/she have met a few times.

I have known some ladies that would not even be comfortable with the "clothing requests" from a person they have never met. Especially, if the hobbiest did not have a track-record, approvals, references, etc.

So.... each persons comfort level is different.