Simple way to return to Forums from "Private Messages"?

TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Once I have gone to my Inbox to Read or Send a PM, is there an easy way to get back to "Dallas" forum? Right now, I'm using my browser's saved link to renter Eccie. But is there another easy way within Eccie to get back to the Forums? I get to "Private Messages" in the "Quick Links", and that is where I want to find an easy return to "Texas - Dallas".

Any suggestions?
gman44's Avatar
how about adding the 'Texas' page to your browsers' favorites for a quick link?
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
how about adding the 'Texas' page to your browsers' favorites for a quick link? Originally Posted by gman44
I currently do that. I was just curious if there was a simple way within
Eccie. I will take your reply as a "No, there isn't". LOL

Thanks for the reply.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
I always tap on the Worldwide tab near the top of the page and go back down to the Dallas forum. It’s only two taps, don’t know if there’s anything quicker than that. if so, let me know please