Review Format Question

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In the review format, there is a section for "Nationality". On ASPD, it was "Race", which I always saw as "Race/Culture", (ie. Caucasian, AA, Asian, Middle Eastern, Polynesian, Hispanic, American Indian, etc.) These descriptive terms narrow the vision of the lady in the review from the broad spectrum of humanity. If the reader has a particular attraction to that race/culture, it will perk up his interest -or it might turn it off in some cases. The nationality being American, British, Russian, German, Italian, etc. wouldn't tell us much, since so many countries are multicultural these days. Is the category supposed to be used for race or culture if the nationality isn't indicative of anything that would be helpful to dawgs reading the review? If not, we would probably need to address it in the "Description" area of our reviews.

Ethnic Background is a term we are probably going to change that to.
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Thanks for the quick reply. That sounds like it would work better.