Fake BP Ad

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Hi Guys I received a few calls and emails on this today and wanted to address it here.

First of all thanks to all of the amazing gentlemen who alerted to me to what was going on .

I really appreciate it.

With that said to clarify in case anyone sees it
I am not working with Mercedes (bp girl)
Do not know the girl
Dont care to know the girl
Also I am not using yahoo messanger as a form of commuication as far as the hobby is concerned at this point. I have no plans to use it (the exception is those who have seen before and are on my personal yahoo messanger)

I do ask that if you see Mercedes ad using my information please flag it

Thank you

Also I am not using yahoo messanger as a form of commuication as far as the hobby is concerned at this point. I have no plans to use it (the exception is those who have seen before and are on my personal yahoo messanger)

Originally Posted by mssassy
sorry i just find that statement funny lol.. I am NOT using yahoo messenger as far as the hobby is concerned.. so concrete..so confident..

and then

EXCEPT.. for those who have seen me before

so you do in fact use it for hobby communication..

could we also assume.. "i'm not working with such and such girl".. except for when i am working with her lol?

i'm just saying lmao

carry on...
DeAnna, that's funny. I never use IM either, except when...oh, never mind.

Well, hey...one good thing. At least she didn't put it up as an 'alert.'