Biden vs trump re: putin

Regarding putin (aka hitler jr), choose the statements made by trump and made by Biden.

A. He’s a thug
B. He’s a butcher
C. He’s a murderer
D. He’s a dictator
E. He’s a liar
F. He cannot remain in power
G. I admire him
H. I have the greatest respect for the man
I. I believe him more than my own intelligence agency reports
J. Why would he lie to me
K. He's savvy
L. He's a genius

I made it real easy but see the answers below:

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offshoredrilling's Avatar
A to F, Staff down play what he meant right after he said it, He working hard to get him to hit us 1st. Wimp all talk n no stick

G to L , right thing to say at time said, LOL you hate this one for not being diplomatic was/is one of the why ya hated him. Was feared by...
Regarding Putin, during which President's term did he did he sense weakness and invade another country?
This is an easy one even for liberals.

A. Obama
B. Biden
C. Trump
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
Like crossing a red line ?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Like crossing a red line ? Originally Posted by Capt. Hooker
some don't like

"Talk softly, and carry a big stick" ????
they rather talk big n not back it up
offshoredrilling's Avatar
According to Politico, the former president said: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up."
Regarding Putin, during which President's term did he sense weakness and invade another country?
This is an easy one even for liberals...Or Not

A. Obama - Drew a red line in Syria, but didn't have the balls to follow thru - Weak!

B. Biden - 40+ years of being on the wrong side with his foreign policy, even before his brain went to jello. Sanctions are meant as deterrents...until their not - Weak!

C. Trump - Peace thru strength - Enough said!

Unfortunately the libs can't see the truth. Their delusional hatred clouds their brainwashed minds.
Maybe if gore was elected we would have never spent $10 trillion on unnecessary wars, just like Biden is doing….

You know the first thing someone would post if we attacked Russia is how much money we are wasting and what a bad decision it is.

I’ve learned there literally is no way to make ignorant poors understand how the world works and who the real ruling Ultra Minority is, the Wealthy who divides the poors to keep the Stu’s quo

Posts like this and the last year are nothing but the poors doing their master’s work
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Albert Arnold Gore Jr. your kidding right ????