Reality Check - Test Your Knowledge

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Question #5, "Why is nuclear power so dangerous?", is utter bullcrap. Read "The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear", by Dr. Petr Beckmann.

Several of the other questions are equally worthless.
Several of the other questions are equally worthless. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Worthless is a fairly accurate description of the thread starter, as well!
Worthless is a fairly accurate description of the thread starter, as well! Originally Posted by bigtex
That was out of line, dude. Respond to the argument, not the person presenting it.

I've about hit my limit on the gratuitous content-free ad hominem slams that fly so freely around here. I grew up with the utterly quaint idea that people could disagree, politely, even when they disagreed very strongly, right down to the core of their belief systems.