Carney: Unemployment? Fuggedaboudit!

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According to Jay Carney, unemployment is not a big deal.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney today suggested that there was too much focus on the unemployment rate, wisecracking that average people aren’t sitting at home staring at the Labor Department website to see the latest employment numbers. Carney argued that they have other things to worry about in addition to jobs.

From the White House pool report:

Unemployment numbers. (Carney) said: “We know most people (are) not sitting at home clicking refresh on the BLS website,” they’re instead concerned with their own practical problems at home, including employment but not limited to it.

Carney instead sought to switch the focus from Friday’s disastrous employment report, which showed the economy only created 96,000 jobs, to the the fact that job creation remains in positive territory, even is it generally has lagged behind the numbers needed to keep up with population growth.

Jay added that this is the 30th straight month that country has created jobs. Said the “recession was not that long ago, so not asking people to look back to the 70s and 80s but to compare Republican proposals to four years ago, that’s what GOP wants to go back to.

“We never react too happily to the jobs reports that exceed expectations, or the ones that come below, because we are focused on trends.”

It's still getting worse, but don't worry. It's Bush's fault, but Obama is working on it.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-10-2012, 01:39 PM