Exactly What Is “Go Joe”?

I was listening to Buck and Clay today and an interesting guest was explaining what “Go Joe” might be.
The guest was a clinical psychologist. He speculated that the list of substances would be short due to Biden’s age.

After watching Biden’s performance during the State of the Union Speech, he did mention one in particular, which I can not name here due to ECCIE restrictions. But I can say it is a highly controlled item that must be obtained by prescription and administered by a Doctor.

He also said that it could be traced.You would need to know what physicians that Biden has been in contact with. The prescriptions they order are a matter of record. Since these items are highly controlled, finding out who ordered them should not be that difficult.
I was listening to Buck and Clay today and an interesting guest was explaining what “Go Joe” might be.
The guest was a clinical psychologist. He speculated that the list of substances would be short due to Biden’s age.

After watching Biden’s performance during the State of the Union Speech, he did mention one in particular, which I can not name here due to ECCIE restrictions. But I can say it is a highly controlled item that must be obtained by prescription and administered by a Doctor.

He also said that it could be traced.You would need to know what physicians that Biden has been in contact with. The prescriptions they order are a matter of record. Since these items are highly controlled, finding out who ordered them should not be that difficult. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Come on now Jackie do you think any of Biden's minions are going to want to release this information? They would fight it tooth and nail but like you said I am sure it is something that can't be discussed here that they are giving him. Hell it showed him boarding Air Force 1 today after practicing for the debate and old shitzhisdiaper had to have someone help him to the stairs.
winn dixie's Avatar
Go Joe is when he turns to dark brandon. Don't under estimate Biden.
Last time plus 7million!
Go Joe is when he turns to dark brandon. Don't under estimate Biden.
Last time plus 7million! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Make them both take a drug test beforehand. You think old shitzhisdiaper would consent?
Trump is demanding it. (To no avail, of course ).
It’s Biden’s Buddies who are fighting it tooth and nail.
Trump is demanding it. (To no avail, of course ).
It’s Biden’s Buddies who are fighting it tooth and nail. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Yup old shitzhisdiaper Biden’s minions don't want that coming out if he is hyped on something like he more than likely was before the State of the Union address.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Who needs vitamin B12 shots and why?


Who needs vitamin B12 shots?

Vitamin B12 shots are only available by prescription following a clinical diagnosis of low levels. However, low levels are rare in most healthy adults because the human liver stores vitamin B12 over time.

Some people’s bodies do not produce enough stomach acid or intrinsic factor if they have a condition known as autoimmune atrophic gastritis. These people may need vitamin B12 shots to reduce their risk of deficiency, which can lead to pernicious anemia.

Some fucking conspiracy.
txdot-guy's Avatar
This type of slander is occurring because Trump doesn’t have any real accomplishments to talk about. He would rather slander his opponent because that’s the only thing he’s got going for him. Insults and lies are the entirety of his campaign.
This type of slander is occurring because Trump doesn’t have any real accomplishments to talk about. He would rather slander his opponent because that’s the only thing he’s got going for him. Insults and lies are the entirety of his campaign. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No accomplishments except………Low unemployment, low energy cost, low transportation cost, low grocery costs, high productivity, energy independence, no shooting wars, defeating ISIS, keeping Iran under control, compelling our NATO members to pay their fare share, controlling inflation, and securing the Border.

These are just some. There are others.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So what is Go Joe?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I got you bio.
ICU 812's Avatar
So what is Go Joe? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
"Go-Joe" would be whatever combination of drugs and supplements that President Binen's handlers and car givers pump him up with so he can deliver the State of the Union address.

But it seems that whatever they do get him to take csn ot sustain him all the time. Perhps there ar dside effects such as loss of bowel control ( only a guess on y part) or something else, more adverse.
but there is more than drugs involved.

A White House corrodent traveling with the president's encourage has noted that wherever he is in the world, "they" try to keep Mr. Biden in a daily activity bubble of East Coast time.

Even here at home, there are days when the president's schedule has no entries, just down time. Recall the images of Mr. Biden at mid-day with strap marks still on his face from a sleep apnea mask?

For Mr. Biden, the White House has become a federally funded assisted living facility.

I blame those closest to him, the family, his care givers and the political brokers holding the levers of power . . .this is elder abuse.
Michael8219's Avatar
Staff Edit - Images of Children - Images Removed - Biomed1
Michael8219's Avatar
Recall the images of Mr. Biden at mid-day with strap marks still on his face from a sleep apnea mask?

. . .this is elder abuse. Originally Posted by ICU 812

C’mon man! I resemble that remark.
The RNC, (not Trump), should demand that each candidate take a blood test, before and after the debate.

Sure, it is extreme, but when dealing with the kind of scum that make up the Democrat Party, extreme measures are warranted.

I think it would be funny if a drug test was required, and after Biden flunks, they find out that the “Go Joe” was not acquired through legal means and was not administered by a qualified physician as prescribed by law.