Dancing monkey show anyone?

tracer's Avatar
Anyone ever see a good dancing monkey show? Absolutely, fucking hilarious! I watched this pair of dancing monkeys one time that was really great!! Complete with funny hats, silly costumes and all kinds of goofy antics. Hell, they were so hilarious that even when they started slinging shit constantly it was hilarious. They were slinging it at their handlers who smiled, acting like it was all part of the show, while we could all tell they just didn't want to admit that the monkeys were out of control. It was truly comical. You could see that the monkeys were clearly reveling in all the attention. It was probably fortunate for the monkeys that they weren't as smart as they thought they were. That way they could dance again tomorrow in the certainty that they were "all that" while those who had seen the show previously rolled their eyes and became less intrigued realizing that the poor monkeys didn't have any new routines. Many in the audience who had always enjoyed their show kept trying to tell the audience how funny they used to be and how they are the best show in town. Their handlers kept making excuses for them. When their shit flinging got all over the audience the handlers just kept saying that was just part of a dancing monkey show and they couldn't control it. Thing is, when I first started going it was really rare that crap got all over everyone. I wanted to believe the handlers, but it sure seemed like they were making excuses becauses the monkeys were their pets. Ultimately, many people quit going to the show. Personally, I enjoyed taunting the little fuckers and just wore a rain coat to keep the slung crap from getting on me. I mean, after all, a trained monkey is still just a monkey. You can't leave the cage open for a couple of shit-flinging monkeys and expect them to be something other than just that.

Don't know why that came to mind, but just thought it was funny and others might enjoy the story. You should really take in a performance if you ever get the chance.
Wakeup's Avatar
Try harder sunshine...always a step behind...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Have you been to a donkey show, too?
tracer's Avatar
Try harder sunshine...always a step behind... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I wouldn't even begin to try hard enough to entertain a mental giant such as youself WU. No way! Are you kidding?!?! I was always careful to avoid folks witty enough to come back with unbeatable retorts like "I am rubber, you're glue" or god forbid the boy so cool he could just tell everyone how smart he is without even having to demonstrate it! No sir, Mr. WU!! I wouldn't dare attempt to put myself on that level. Seriously, I am so mightily impressed by your pure genius that I am humbled just to have you call me sunshine. The awesome genius of such humbling remarks clearly demonstrates exactly how far behind I really am. Hopefully, my irrelevance will spare me the shame of such vicious scorn from your sycophants as well.
Wakeup's Avatar
Well...at least you've learned your lesson.
tracer's Avatar
Well...at least you've learned your lesson. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Oh yeah. Never trade a pawn just for trade...only for advantage.

That about right? Sorry, I don't know how to explain with a checkers reference. Your sycophants will likely need you to relay that for them.
Wakeup's Avatar
Your sycophants... Originally Posted by tracer
Hear that bitches...I've got groupies...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Hear that bitches...I've got groupies... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Bunch of flocking lynch-mob guttersnipes.
Sarunga's Avatar
Now if only I could figure out who these two dancing monkeys are....and who their handlers are.

OK, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say....they are probably "veterans".
boardman's Avatar
I went to the circus once. Those fucking elephants scared the shit right out of me.
  • Taint
  • 07-03-2012, 11:32 AM
Cat shit, elephant shit, it's all the same; just a matter of volume.
Sarunga's Avatar
So, I hear that the senior dancing monkey has been having some self-doubt about his relevance to the overall circus act....and has been acting out....to prove his worth to the rest of the troupe (including the clowns)....without any success....unfortunately.

In fact, during his last performance, the audience has apparently felt sorry for the poor guy.
Wakeup's Avatar
You're going to need more than CPR to revive this dead fucker...
I control these dancing monkeys.
...(evidently, it is called) the MOD river dance (as posted in the link), a "classic" of sorts!

Anyone ever see a good dancing monkey show? Absolutely, fucking hilarious! I watched this pair of dancing monkeys one time that was really great!! Complete with funny hats, silly costumes and all kinds of goofy antics. Hell, they were so hilarious that even when they started slinging shit constantly it was hilarious. They were slinging it at their handlers who smiled, acting like it was all part of the show, while we could all tell they just didn't want to admit that the monkeys were out of control. It was truly comical. You could see that the monkeys were clearly reveling in all the attention. It was probably fortunate for the monkeys that they weren't as smart as they thought they were. That way they could dance again tomorrow in the certainty that they were "all that" while those who had seen the show previously rolled their eyes and became less intrigued realizing that the poor monkeys didn't have any new routines. Many in the audience who had always enjoyed their show kept trying to tell the audience how funny they used to be and how they are the best show in town. Their handlers kept making excuses for them. When their shit flinging got all over the audience the handlers just kept saying that was just part of a dancing monkey show and they couldn't control it. Thing is, when I first started going it was really rare that crap got all over everyone. I wanted to believe the handlers, but it sure seemed like they were making excuses becauses the monkeys were their pets. Ultimately, many people quit going to the show. Personally, I enjoyed taunting the little fuckers and just wore a rain coat to keep the slung crap from getting on me. I mean, after all, a trained monkey is still just a monkey. You can't leave the cage open for a couple of shit-flinging monkeys and expect them to be something other than just that.

Don't know why that came to mind, but just thought it was funny and others might enjoy the story. You should really take in a performance if you ever get the chance. Originally Posted by tracer