Obama: I have three things I want to do...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
At today's presser Obama had three initiatives to get ahead of the IRS scandal;
1. Ask for the resignation of the "acting" director of the IRS.
2. Create a new set of guidelines to prevent this from happening again.
3. Work with Congress to allow for more oversight by the Congress.

Do you see it?

Steve Miller became the IRS director in November of 2012, six months ago. Why not fire the morning guy at the convenience store when it is held up overnight. Democrat Douglas Shulman (appointed by George Bush and reconfirmed by Barack Obama) is the dirty bird that needs to be roasted. Prison time should be in his immediate future.

A new set of guidelines??? The old set sure didn't stop anyone and they are federal laws that someone broke. What a piece of wasted effort. Just enforce the existing rules and knock off the show for the Obamatons.

Work with Congress....why not start by turning over all the documents. While you're at it why not include Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Black Panthers, Obamacare and the IRS connection, the deliberations of the NTLB on the Boeing affair, and the AP confiscations. All it takes for this to happen if for Obama to make it happen.