Berlin & Prague

Hi all,

I am traveling this summer and am visiting two cities that I have not yet been, on my tour. Would love suggestions from those who have been - places to see, restaurants, sights etc.

Thank you

Im Czech and Prague is a wonderful place to visit!!!!!!!!
I really enjoyed Prague, hope you have a great time!

Aphrodite Amanda
Do a walking tour of Berlin your first day there. You get a lot of history and in just a few hours of walking a good idea of the layout of the city. As with Segway tours, walking allows you to take in the city and gives you ideas of things to do in the next few days. It's also good exercise!
LeopoldLast's Avatar
Prague is the best. Beautiful city and relatively inexpensive. Friendly people. I rented an apartment for a week in the New Town (meaning it was built after 1350!) Check out the Castle, which is the Czech seat of government, and then try to find the restaurant just below the castle that is in an old alchemist's workshop. And it is beer lover's heaven, everything is worth trying. Waling tours of Prague are great, you definitely want to see the clock towor and the old Jewish quarter. Damn, typing this makes me want to go back!
Thank you for the suggestions.
I have heard they are both beautiful cities, so I am very much looking forward to seeing them. What a great idea as well, renting an apartment.
dearhunter's Avatar
Raise your rates in Berlin....lower your rates in Prague.....I'm just saying.

Oh, I forgot to this a working vacation?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-25-2011, 09:14 PM
Raise your rates in Berlin....lower your rates in Prague.....I'm just saying.

Oh, I forgot to this a working vacation? Originally Posted by dearhunter

I sure wish arianne would work her way over to Houston!

My my my...that body looks super freaky.
My family is from just south of Berlin. The walking tour idea is a good one. There are so many old things to see and its cool to notice the changes in the architecture and scene over the last 70 years or so. Stop at every bakery you see. There is always a specialty to be had in each one.
Thank you for the suggestions.

The walking tour in Berlin was great - an incredible amount of history.
Prague was amazing as well.

Took lots of photos and revisited places I had been before.
Hi Arianna, I hope i am not waaay too late for that suggestions. What is helpful when travelling is to hook up with local couchsurfers . I did that in Portugal and its an awesome way to connect with the local habits (CSers come in all sorts of age, its not only youngsters as one might assume). I like Berlin, anything at Prenzlauer Berg is cool.

If you have been in Berlin already, how did you enjoy it? Its big, right :-) Scary at first. Oh and the Berlin Zoo is a must see if not for the animals then the architecture alone should let you gasp for air :-).

Kreuzberg is the new "alternative" Szene (before it was Prenzlauer Berg, which is now a little more boho and hipster and chic).
Berlin is changing so much and i usually only stay a day or two myself so unfortunately i have not been able to dive into the culture as much as i would have wanted to.

But i had an awesome experience about 10 years ago, when Prenzlauer Berg was still alternative: I was searching for a place to stay in Prenzelberg, and one lady that i did not know (she was a bartender) just called one friend who wanted to go to Vienna and said i cna stay in her apartment (it was a typical eastern Berlin apartment, i think they don`t exist like that anymore, all small and stuff :-)))....) and in return i organized her a place to stay in Vienna for free at a friends house. The awesome thing was, that the woman did not know me, and about 10 minutes!!!! later , me, a complete stranger, had her apartment key in my hands and her trust.
Houseswapping at its best :-)). And stories like that are kinda typical of the Berlin spirit in the alternative culture especially. :-)) (lol)