Nuns at a ballgame

Some nuns were attending a Yankees game in the Bronx. Three men were sitting directly behind them. Because the nuns' habits were partially blocking the view, the men decided to badger the nuns, hoping they'd get annoyed enough to move to another area.
In a VERY loud voice, the first guy yells, "I think I'm going to move to Utah. There's only 100 nuns living there."
Then the second guy speaks up and says even louder "I want to move to Montana..there's only 50 nuns living there!"
The third guy yells "I want to go to Idaho. There's only 25 nuns living there!"
The Mother Superior turns around, looks the men squarely in the eye, and says in the calmest and sweetest voice, "Why don't you go to hell...there are NO nuns there!"
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Nuns can be fun!

Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe.

Be cool.
