Pretty Pineapples - please share your side of the story

tpepsi's Avatar
After reading a recent review on Pretty Pineapples, I made a public comment.

Ms. Pineapples sent me a PM asking if she could have the opportunity to tell her side of her NO reviews. She currently has an impressive record....11 reviews with 5 NO's.

I think the members would be most interested in hearing your side of the story! This forum is where any Provider can post so I look forward to hearing your response.

pretty pineapples's Avatar
Ehhh hmmmm first of all Hello ! I’m totally on the spot now since I did reach out to a member or two to say and give my side of the story. Now I have a thread going this will not go well I’m sure
pretty pineapples's Avatar
Second I get super busy in between so if my responding is slow that is why.
pretty pineapples's Avatar
So I can’t lie and say I knew he was from eccie but that’s because this isn’t the only place I make ads. I rarely use this because i always forget about it and I don’t have time for the responding process.
I don’t know what was written about me but let me also explain my schedule :
I’m a full time mom. a full time employee for a nice company in medical center. A full time student ( 5 days a week) and trying to have a lil time for friends as well as this play schedule when I need extra cash.
DocHolyday's Avatar
You do sound quite busy, perhapes too busy to be involved in this particular side job. You ever hear the old saying "I have too many irons in the fire?"
pretty pineapples's Avatar
I have great reviews just not on here. I think it’s the nature in which you reach out to me. I don’t have a lot of time and days I come to play are verrry random. I know it’s not your fault I’m the one who post the ads. But look at how my ad is written....I don’t even have time to make it all sexy and well thought out.

I wish I could determine which guys are from eccie and I would put on my best behavior otherwise I’m busy trying to respond and setup a guy. I actually thought about only posting quick visit ads and 30 min ads on here. I’m confident I can make you nut quickly but many many many ladies deal with what to do with the extra time.
Am I suppose to do another round? am I suppose to get dressed and go? Mostly the men I see get dressed and ready to go and nooooo complaint. Then you have the eccie guys who

1. Don’t mention they’re from eccie because they want the BP rate. Believe it or not telling me your from eccie I would ask all you expect from a session. I don’t have to suck dick and kiss and rub and hug and do all the extras with my other clients. They don’t ask me to give them raw head at all and if they do it’s automatically assumed it’s more then original rate.
2. Expect so much more for less. I’ve had clients from here (eccie)call me up to tell me they love my pictures and they been following me on Snapchat! That’s AWESOME I think because Snapchat you see a lot of uncensored stuff so you know what to expect from me! After I’ve established they are a reviewer and writes reviews I inform them upfront of ALL MY RATES. With or with out covers. We set rate and it is on! I tell this guy wow you have so many reviews I’ll be sure to show u a good time I’d love for eccie tobhear a good story about me.....
Now once he here’s that he starts trying to negotiate the rate and bargain with reviews. (More than once this has happened) I tell them no . Date is now cancelled! They say never mind!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Some believe that Life is Suffering, and this suffering is caused by the gap between Expectation and Reality. Miss Pineapple's tale seems affirm this theory.
pretty pineapples's Avatar
If for any reason this makes sense to any women on here please speak up. I’d like to know if this also happens to you with the members.
I am not hurting for cash at the least but to get a few quik nuts in during the day sounds like more of a good time. With me Not answering every single call and doing every single date that’s what I call a hobby.
You guys act like you paid upfront to sign up on here or paid extra and I didn’t do what you asked. I’m able to do whatever I want with my time( Docholyday). If I have 2 hours after class let’s out I’ll make myself available for two hours then! I like to have sex too sheeeeze!!
pretty pineapples's Avatar
Attached Images File Type: jpeg 2B900090-6577-4D45-B576-C587FAA88E51.jpeg (87.7 KB, 743 views)
pretty pineapples's Avatar
Just pics from Snapchat they basically revirenme when they write me back
Attached Images File Type: jpeg BCF88201-5EDE-4694-8EE1-05ED5FFCFAF9.jpeg (44.9 KB, 741 views)
sprydo12's Avatar
No offense but you're not telling your side of this particular review, rather bitching about eccie guys. I personally read posts & reviews for expectations. As for other reviews from other has no bearing on this conversation or to members here imo. Perhaps being more clear on your services would help, I'd think if it was clearly laid out and a member complained then we'd give them shit for being too dumb to read. Just my advice, wish u luck!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Well I gotta give you points for your honesty and being straightforward as to how YOU view the hobby world and how you prefer to work in it.

However, the way you explain most of your "preferred" clients and sessions, I find it horribly misleading that you'd label yourself a GFE provider. Hell, even the ocassional drunken one night stand has more passion than most of your sessions. You are not a GFE provider. But you are a provider nonetheless. Nothing wrong with that at all but you should at least advertise appropriately for which your sessions are more geared toward so as not to mislead those who are looking for something you really "don't care or have the time for".

I'm reading your defense of yourself and you go all over the place. Ah well, some guys didn't enjoy you, not everybody will mesh and have instant chemistry in the bed or other places. That's life.
I'm with KKA ...

Also, I would think that you should treat every client well, not certain ones better just because they are on specific boards.

This is a hobby for me as well, and I have a lot of real world responsibilities too. It's nice to be able to pick and choose who you see, just remember this hobby is very much customer service oriented. Xoxo
Xesaddict's Avatar
Copy what KKA said. You are not a GFE provider. You are simply looking for quick, easy money. Typical BP approach. Stay there.