How long will we take this? Middle Eastern men harassing military families in the UNITED STATES.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There have been reports of suspected men of Middle Eastern origin approaching the families and spouses of soldiers in Colorado and Wyoming. If this guys came into the country legally then we might have a handle on who they are but you know...

This on the heels of the second shooting at soldiers during training. No one hit yet but when do we declare open season (self defense) on threatening actions by anyone towards our military people. Since Obama won't let them defend themselves then the government should make sure that they are protected.
There have been reports of suspected men of Middle Eastern origin approaching the families and spouses of soldiers in Colorado and Wyoming. If this guys came into the country legally then we might have a handle on who they are but you know...

This on the heels of the second shooting at soldiers during training. No one hit yet but when do we declare open season (self defense) on threatening actions by anyone towards our military people. Since Obama won't let them defend themselves then the government should make sure that they are protected. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
These sure sound like probes by the camel jockeys to test preparedness and response. Those cowboys in Wyoming won't put up with too much of that BS before the lead starts flying. Call them poachers and let the ranchers take care of it like they have for years. I f they try that BS here in Texas, the camel jockeys might just find an active duty or retired military person or a military dependent wife that has a concealed carry license for a handgun. Then they'll get to find out that ole Mo lied to them, that those " 72 virgins" are actually sows !
There are a lot of places to dispose of a body in Wyoming. We always say the best way to get rid of someone in Wyoming is to take them hunting.
There have been reports of suspected men of Middle Eastern origin approaching the families and spouses of soldiers in Colorado and Wyoming. If this guys came into the country legally then we might have a handle on who they are but you know...

This on the heels of the second shooting at soldiers during training. No one hit yet but when do we declare open season (self defense) on threatening actions by anyone towards our military people. Since Obama won't let them defend themselves then the government should make sure that they are protected. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I see how you conveniently leave out the apparent redneck who is firing on soldiers near Fort Shelby is white as a sheet and not middle eastern.

What is your point in bringing these stories to light? Are you suggesting vigilante justice, based on 'reports'? We don't even know if they're fucking real or if the men are really middle eastern. To the uninitiated, anyone swarthy could be 'middle eastern'. And your line about Obama not letting them defend themselves is absolute hyperbolic bullshit. It's not true and you know it's not true.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm repeating a news story. Take it up with the press.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For a change, JDrunk is stirring shit without a spoon.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see how you conveniently leave out the apparent redneck who is firing on soldiers near Fort Shelby is white as a sheet and not middle eastern.

What is your point in bringing these stories to light? Are you suggesting vigilante justice, based on 'reports'? We don't even know if they're fucking real or if the men are really middle eastern. To the uninitiated, anyone swarthy could be 'middle eastern'. And your line about Obama not letting them defend themselves is absolute hyperbolic bullshit. It's not true and you know it's not true. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I NEVER said that both stories were about men identified as Middle Eastern. That is your mistaken conclusion. I am really curious (which is why I asked the question) what do you think about the possibility of Middle Eastern men (can we say Muslim?) stalking the families of our military. Yes? No? I don't care? What is your opinion?
As for the "shooter", the press is now reporting that it was a truck backfiring. I guess we'll see. Still, the question is valid. What do you think about our military and their familes being fitted with bullseyes.
Part of a side note; this is why so many people resist transferring the Gitmo detainees to a civilian prison in the states. We (and they) have no idea who the Marines are guarding them. Move them to the states and they will know which guards will be in the detainee section and where their families live.
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  • 08-06-2015, 10:53 AM
I'm repeating a news story. Take it up with the press. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are rewriting the the USA Today piece, the firing was actually a truck backfiring! Old white man driving it.
I NEVER said that both stories were about men identified as Middle Eastern. That is your mistaken conclusion. I am really curious (which is why I asked the question) what do you think about the possibility of Middle Eastern men (can we say Muslim?) stalking the families of our military. Yes? No? I don't care? What is your opinion?
As for the "shooter", the press is now reporting that it was a truck backfiring. I guess we'll see. Still, the question is valid. What do you think about our military and their familes being fitted with bullseyes.
Part of a side note; this is why so many people resist transferring the Gitmo detainees to a civilian prison in the states. We (and they) have no idea who the Marines are guarding them. Move them to the states and they will know which guards will be in the detainee section and where their families live. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is absolutely not the reason why gitmo detainees are not being moved here. Jesus Christ, you come up with some motherfucking whoppers. You might have never said that both stories were about middle eastern men, but your fucking headline sure said it. And you never made it clear the second story was about a white man. You're about as useful as CNN
southtown4488's Avatar
How long will we take racist cunts stereotyping entire races by the actions of a few?
Most serial killers are white men, does that mean we should lock up all white men?
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  • 08-06-2015, 02:21 PM
I NEVER said that both stories were about men identified as Middle Eastern. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You and your fucking what if's!