Are you fuking kidding me?? Ferguson minorities now think they are exempt from breaking traffic laws?

According to them only white people should be ticketed?? I would cut and paste but its a long article..

I understand many are low income. However this does not excuse breaking laws then acting entitled. Thy City will set up a payment JUST SHOW UP TO YOUR COURT DATE!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-06-2015, 10:55 AM
I didn't give a fuck about Ferguson then or now.
BigLouie's Avatar
Ralphy I have a feeling you failed reading comprehension in school. The story points out that the city has ticketed nearly 75% of the entire town population
  • DSK
  • 08-06-2015, 12:41 PM
I pay all my tickets - why shouldn't colored people?
Ralphy I have a feeling you failed reading comprehension in school. The story points out that the city has ticketed nearly 75% of the entire town population Originally Posted by BigLouie

Louie I have a feeling you failed at reading, period. I agree that is correct 75%, but who are the ones in this article pissing and moaning? The ones who break the laws, then act like it does not apply to them.

"Leon Hale (who is Black) says he spent a day behind bars earlier this summer over two traffic tickets he received more than four years ago for driving on a suspended license and not having insurance. He had heard about a nearby town wiping out old tickets, so he thought Ferguson had surely done the same. But then he was pulled over by a police officer and taken to jail. At the most recent court date, he told CNNMoney he had been hoping to get the charges dismissed but was put on a $50 a month payment plan instead. Ferguson said it applied the $200 Hale spent on bond toward his total fines of $304 -- leaving him with a balance of $104."

4 years ago?.. no problem, lets all rack up tickets and the cry foul after 4 years of not paying, not contacting the court. looks like he had the money to pay it after all

I have paid every ticket I have ever received, even when I was broke and had nothing, I showed up to court and asked or payment plan.. VERY EASY,,
southtown4488's Avatar
they also said they should be allowed to throw things at police during riots. . . errr, I mean protests. just plain dumb.
the real sadness is found in the liberal media's whole hogged, Kool Aid drinking, mindless, ill-logical acceptance of such nonsense originally put forth by the racist doj and now their galling followup
Louie I have a feeling you failed at reading, period. I agree that is correct 75%, but who are the ones in this article pissing and moaning? The ones who break the laws, then act like it does not apply to them.

"Leon Hale (who is Black) says he spent a day behind bars earlier this summer over two traffic tickets he received more than four years ago for driving on a suspended license and not having insurance. He had heard about a nearby town wiping out old tickets, so he thought Ferguson had surely done the same. But then he was pulled over by a police officer and taken to jail. At the most recent court date, he told CNNMoney he had been hoping to get the charges dismissed but was put on a $50 a month payment plan instead. Ferguson said it applied the $200 Hale spent on bond toward his total fines of $304 -- leaving him with a balance of $104."

4 years ago?.. no problem, lets all rack up tickets and the cry foul after 4 years of not paying, not contacting the court. looks like he had the money to pay it after all

I have paid every ticket I have ever received, even when I was broke and had nothing, I showed up to court and asked or payment plan.. VERY EASY,, Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
When the Dindu Nuffin gang has examples to follow like odummer and Slick Willy and Shrillary when it comes to being "exempt" from the laws of the land, can we expect any other kind of behavior ? Or "Reverend" Al "The Taxdodger " Sharptongue saying " Iss all right Brothas, we jis gonna scream racism and sue dem crackers for violatin' yo civil rights ! "
Ralphy Boy, if you check the "minority" in Ferguson is white.
  • DSK
  • 08-07-2015, 07:08 AM
Ralphy Boy, if you check the "minority" in Ferguson is white. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You aren't using the word "minority" in the same context here. He is referring to national minorities - in this case the negroes.

I assume you know that and were trying to be cute, but you didn't pull it off, as usual.

I now expect you to throw a trite and completely worn out insult my way, or defensively default to a standard diatribe about my nonexistent previous handle.
You aren't using the word "minority" in the same context here. He is referring to national minorities - in this case the negroes.

I assume you know that and were trying to be cute, but you didn't pull it off, as usual.

I now expect you to throw a trite and completely worn out insult my way, or defensively default to a standard diatribe about my nonexistent previous handle. Originally Posted by DSK
The OP stated Ferguson minorities dim bulb. Is English your first language.
ferguson minorities are minorities living in ferguson..the phrase ferguson minorities conveys no different meaning than merely saying minorities..which is commonly understood to be other than white people everywhere or anywhere in the united states
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why is this a relevant topic?

you fellers trying to keep tabs on the darkies for shits and giggles?
  • DSK
  • 08-07-2015, 10:08 AM
Why is this a relevant topic?

you fellers trying to keep tabs on the darkies for shits and giggles? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well, that and to keep crime down.
ferguson minorities are minorities living in ferguson..the phrase ferguson minorities conveys no different meaning than merely saying minorities..which is commonly understood to be other than white people everywhere or anywhere in the united states Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
LMAO you fuckers are fun to watch,,,,,,,,,,,,