Which Charities Do You Think Actually Give Most of the Donated Money to Their Cause?

This thread is prompted by replies to my Lottery thread. Apologies if need be, but this is a serious question.

After all, I imagine most of us are asked for money for charities a lot.

My experience is that a lot of the time I have no idea where the money is going or sometimes even who/what the charity is for.

Then when I say no I get the dirty looks.

Examples - Publix often asks for money after they've just told you what the bill is. I always say no. I'm very distrustful of whatever charity they're pushing and have complained about the dirty looks and curses in other languages I've gotten in that store as a result.

A couple of nights ago I went to a very popular bar in Miami to chill out after a very busy day. Outside was a table with a number of women asking for money for victims of crime. With illegible hand written cards explaining that. (I couldn't read it, asked for a verbal explanation.)

These are just on the ground, minor incursions. I imagine that people who run larger organisations get asked to donate to charities more.

A lot of us want to help others and wouldn't mind doing it through charities - if we could trust them.

My question is - are there any charities/causes where the large majority of the given resources actually go to the cause that's being pushed?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ugh I know there are a few charities wouldn't take your money if they knew HOW you made it. Sucks huh?

As for the grocery store taking up money for charities, I always say no too. I don't know if they're really going to them and I'm usually not in the giving mood when grocery shopping.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'm soft hearted and a sucker, I will give to about anything, I look at it as Karma
I'm soft hearted and a sucker, I will give to about anything, I look at it as Karma Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I think you're right really, the principle is to give with good intention and not so much to count where it ends up. After all, God works in mysterious ways.

Nevertheless, I have a severe antipathy to a lot of the established charities, frankly, and my preferred way of giving is through the talents and skills that I have (no crass comments puh - lease...).

I don't know too much about charities but from what I have experienced and observed, what's often severely lacking is much humanity/beauty/wonder.

For example the animal shelter I mentioned in another thread has a lot of volunteer help. but still the animals live in horrible, frightening little prisons. The human touch means so much to beings in distress, and sometimes we undervalue what we give.

I remember (OK, a little vaguely) a conversation in a bar I had some time ago with another somewhat regular there, a money manager. He looks like he has everything going for him (well, he has - just had a beautiful little boy with his wife actually.).

The story he told me was when he was holed up in a hospital after a motorbike accident, in a very terrible state. Every day an older guy would come around the wards asking, Hey, would you like some candy? (Not a pervert.)

This guy thought - 'What the f--k do I want candy for?!?!?'.

But as things evolved the older man's kindness every day, not wanting something from him, was something that the guy I was talking to really felt got him through and heal.

The guy (I was talking to) felt that this was the only person he was connecting to who didn't want something from him. The (sweet) guy who was talking to him had been in pretty much the same position, that's why he did what he did.

God works in mysterious ways and love is what gets us through.
London Rayne's Avatar
The Red Cross and St. Jude are about the best I have seen based on stats, but I give to a different one every week.

I think one of the best things to do is volunteer at the Children's Hospital in your area. You can see first hand what goes on, and what your money will help achieve. Even if it's only one day a week for a couple of hours, it really makes a difference when children see a smiling face coming to help them.
There are more charities than you can possibly research.

Let an organization do your work: http://www.charitynavigator.org/

If you want to donate a sum of money anonymously, go to http://givinganon.org/.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2011, 06:39 PM
Charles....you're baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Glad to see you posting in the ole D&T again.

The Red Cross and St. Jude are about the best I have seen based on stats, . Originally Posted by London Rayne
True dat!

My sister's college roomie unfortunatly had to use St Jude's for one of her children and it was wonderful as far as to those kinds of things go.
London Rayne's Avatar
Charles....you're baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Glad to see you posting in the ole D&T again.

True dat!

My sister's college roomie unfortunatly had to use St Jude's for one of her children and it was wonderful as far as to those kinds of things go. Originally Posted by WTF
I try and get by for at least a day every time I am in Memphis. Would certainly never wish any of us had to use them, but I do support them.
jframe2's Avatar
Here is a different idea- go to your local VA hospital or a nursing home and adopt a Veteran. I started doing this about 3 years ago... I am a veteran also.

Last year, I rented a car and we went to a strip club for his birthday..... man talk about getting action.

This year, he kept asking me if we were going.... so I grabbed a couple of Vet buddies and we did it again.

I do see him a couple of times a month and just do stuff; watch ballgames, talk about stuff.
Just an idea that only involves giving your time, not money.
Just by saying charity leaves a rather broad range of options. There are good sources for all types, best to find things that actually interest you and donate to those. I normally donate to fundraisers held by people I know so I can be sure that the money goes to good use, these aren't monthly but normally event based. Another route which is the only one I do on a monthly basis is donating to missionaries, I do this with 2 people that I personally know and trust which allows them to help others. Missionaries often are through organizations that will setup payment plans, automatically send needed tax paperwork and that stuff. It also allows for great travel opportunities to visit them and see exactly where your money is going.
I usually donate to animal causes. Its an interesting question, though, Amanda, on how to find out if charity is reliable or not. In my small country this is not a problem, but in the USA i really would not know where to start.Thanks for that question :-)
John Bull's Avatar
Red Cross sucks. When they go into a distressed zone, they charge for their services. I'm speaking of war zones. Can't say for sure about domestic. Still, they suck!
London Rayne's Avatar
Red Cross sucks. When they go into a distressed zone, they charge for their services. I'm speaking of war zones. Can't say for sure about domestic. Still, they suck! Originally Posted by John Bull
I have never heard that in my life. They were rated number 1 when Katrina hit us and everyone I talk to says the people get the money. They don't have fancy things to offer because they are actually using the money on things people need.
Snuggles's Avatar
the red cross is awesome
but it should be pointed out that the American Red Cross is not the same as the International Red Cross. You can Donate to sub branches to keep you charity local...like the Nabraska Red cross or Houston red cross ..all subs of the american red cross. The international is its own entity which mr bull may be refeering to. The american just shows up n helps out when the poop hits the fan.
Ugh I know there are a few charities wouldn't take your money if they knew HOW you made it. Sucks huh?
. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
that is true. unfortunately.