Website Launch

My website is launched! .

I need to add some more photos - after some blurring - and I'll add a few things, but basically I like this.

My sincere thanks to the generous people here who've given me their input both on and off the board. My site most definitely wouldn't be the same without their wisdom and creativity, and like I said I like it!

Please let me know your thoughts - not too harshly please!

Chloe xxxx
Awesome. Congratulations. I like the "simplicity" of it. No bling bling. Really cool and understated. Excellent. And the tone in black and white is great as well. btw are these shoes GianMarco Lorenzi? my heart just jumped a bit by looking at your legs :-)) and the shoes. What a stunning combo....

Like it, great job!

Eventually i assume you will add/change some text stuff anyhow like we all do. There is always something..... usually it comes with experience of the reception of the site.......

Great work!

If i may allow myself to give a feedback regarding this site (its the about me page). Its awesome idea, love it, but IMHO the text should be above the photos, at first i wasn`t even scrolling down enough to see that there is more text than the Lennox Quote . But i truly like the idea of the many small photos of different locations.
Your site has a light flair, with a simple understatment, but yet has all the necessary information and brings stuff to the point (textwise i could really learn a bit from you-- he he).

Naomi4u's Avatar
Soooo much better. Good job!
I'd like to advise you on one thing though, on the about you page?
Remove the picture of the guy. Not every client will look like him. It could offend some LOL.
Nice classy website. I'm sure it's a WIP, but a really really good start.
Awesome. Congratulations. I like the "simplicity" of it. No bling bling. Really cool and understated. Excellent. And the tone in black and white is great as well. btw are these shoes GianMarco Lorenzi? my heart just jumped a bit by looking at your legs :-)) and the shoes. What a stunning combo....

Like it, great job!

Eventually i assume you will add/change some text stuff anyhow like we all do. There is always something..... usually it comes with experience of the reception of the site.......

Great work!

If i may allow myself to give a feedback regarding this site (its the about me page). Its awesome idea, love it, but IMHO the text should be above the photos, at first i wasn`t even scrolling down enough to see that there is more text than the Lennox Quote . But i truly like the idea of the many small photos of different locations.
Your site has a light flair, with a simple understatment, but yet has all the necessary information and brings stuff to the point (textwise i could really learn a bit from you-- he he).

wonderful! Originally Posted by ninasastri
Thank you Nina! The shoes are Carlos Santana - love the look but they're not so great to walk in.

Will work on the About page, I don't want to lose anyone through boredom.

Chloe xxx
Soooo much better. Good job!
I'd like to advise you on one thing though, on the about you page?
Remove the picture of the guy. Not every client will look like him. It could offend some LOL. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks Naomi!

Re. the guy - yes, but then my clients do tend to look like him; middle-aged and white. I think it's good to give a visual reference point and if someone interested in meeting me doesn't look like him - so what?

Chloe xxx
Nice classy website. I'm sure it's a WIP, but a really really good start. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Thank you Charles! You have a classy name yourself.

Chloe xxx
London Rayne's Avatar
I was the first to leave a comment lol. Nice job sweetie!
Nice:-). I am a big fan of the B&W images.
Thank you London and Arianne! I'm looking forward to the adventures that will ensue. x
Naomi4u's Avatar
Thank you London and Arianne! I'm looking forward to the adventures that will ensue. x Originally Posted by Chloe Kensington
Is it ok if I make a suggestion? Worpress has a plugin called Jquery for lightbox. If you install it, the photos would form a flash like gallery. If you look on the site I sent you, you will see Jquery in action. It's better than having the pictures load up individually. Don't you think? Anyways, Good luck! The site looks wonderful!

Thanks Naomi, I'll check that out! Still haven't got around to blurring the rest of the photos yet...