And The Winner Is???

Miss Angola:

I think she has had a boob reduction (possibly nose job)? But she is a 10 on the hotness scale !

and Before.....

Which is interesting since here was her answer to last night's question:

Finally, Miss Angola was asked how she would change her appearance if she had the opportunity. She replied that she was satisfied with how God had created her, and she wouldn’t change a thing. The audience heartily agreed.
Naomi4u's Avatar
WTH what did she do to herself?


She's representing for us African ladies!!!!!! I said she was gorgeous just a few days ago! She deserves it!
Good one's Avatar
Yea she is HOTT!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
OP, Are you sure that's her? Her lips also looks thinner and from what I'm reading she has never had plastic surgery.
I downloaded the image from here....Powerline is usually pretty can look here....

It may not be her; but I would be suprised if Powerline got it might want to email the author to confirm (john hindraker) he takes this stuff seriously.....he would welcome the information if he is wrong........

Good catch if that photo isn't her......
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yup. It's not her. My sister just told me that that's a picture of another african model.
I don't doubt it. It looks nothing like Miss Angola. I will email the author for sure.
Good catch !

Unfortuantely I can't edit my original to all who are reading, the top picture appparently isn't Miss Angola !
Yeah here I am staring at this two pics back and forth thinking my eyes were playing tricks with me. Because they look completely different and not amount of surgery would give #2 the nose that #1 has without looking like Micheal Jackson
Sweet N Little's Avatar
She is beautiful !!

Congratulations to Miss Angola, Leila Lopes for being crowned the winner of Miss Universe 2011! Leila is 24 years old.
Sweet N Little's Avatar