Venomous Emails

I recently published my website and yesterday got a string of abusive emails from some guy. I blocked his email address then he wrote back with another.

I'm really not interested in the sad reasons a 'man' would do this - although after a couple of emails from him I did point out that he was a pathetic little coward with some serious inadequacies -

My question to the ladies is, does this happen a lot?

Also I really haven't advertised my site much and this guy was aware that my first site under 'Aphrodite Amanda' was mine, so that suggests to me he browses this site and saw that I changed my name and website.


Chloe xxx
It happens to us all sooner or later and he/she wants attention because they are not getting it. If you give in and respond, thats exactly what they want.
Yes, it's only human to try and figure out 'why' but we are always told they will give up and go away, or will they?
I have read on this very site that some providers have stalkers-harassers for years and maybe they are doing it because they are bored. What a sad, lonely person.
You can block them and they have so much time on their hands, they will create new emails all day long.
Hope it gets better sweetie...
Thanks Anita! Yes generally I believe in giving the things/people I don't like no attention, but his persistent emails did prompt me to write something. After that when I saw his names come up on the emails (and Wordpress posts) I just deleted them unread.

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Does happen sooner or later. Best policy is to ignore them. They usually want attention....good or bad it's all the same to them.
Does happen sooner or later. Best policy is to ignore them. They usually want attention....good or bad it's all the same to them. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
This. Ignore them long enough and they'll eventually find someone else to fixate on. Sad to have to wish that on some other girl, though.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I recently published my website and yesterday got a string of abusive emails from some guy. I blocked his email address then he wrote back with another.

I'm really not interested in the sad reasons a 'man' would do this - although after a couple of emails from him I did point out that he was a pathetic little coward with some serious inadequacies -

My question to the ladies is, does this happen a lot?

Also I really haven't advertised my site much and this guy was aware that my first site under 'Aphrodite Amanda' was mine, so that suggests to me he browses this site and saw that I changed my name and website.


Chloe xxx Originally Posted by Chloe Kensington
You are using wordpress so bait him.
Track him with a plugin and ban his ip.
The easiest way to do this is to first install the plugins
"WP-Ban" and "WASSUP" on wordpress.
Find a way to get him to get him to comment on a post and then enter the IP wassup gives you into "WP-BAN" and he's gone. Heck you can even set it to where it says you're no longer in the business when he tries to visit your site. This way, he can leave you the heck alone. Worked like a charm for me. It's a bit complicated but so worth it.
You are using wordpress so bait him.
Track him with a plugin and ban his ip.
The easiest way to do this is to first install the plugins
"WP-Ban" and "WASSUP" on wordpress.
Fine a way to get him to get him to comment on a post and then enter the IP wassup gives you into "WP-BAN" and he's gone. Heck you can even set it to where it says you're no longer in the business when he tries to visit your site. This way, he can leave you the heck alone. Worked like a charm for me. It's a bit complicated but so worth it. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Jeez Naomi you are so smart at these things! I hate this kind of (techno) stuff but will definitely make the effort (eh, tomorrow).


Chloe x
Chloe, what you wrote in your first post is unfortunate. However, the best response, as others have pointed out, is no response or, better yet, just ignore it like I do now. Meaning, don't read it, just delete it and mark it as spam.

I have my own stalker/cyber-stalker provider issue too. *chuckling* Problem for her is I moved on with my life years ago which is something she has yet to deal with. Because of that ego of hers, she has written me that she wished I was dead and that nobody would miss me if I did die. LOL! Some people are too hung up on themselves to be taken seriously. If you are getting hate mail, remember this: Does that present a threat to you? The correct answer is, no, it does not because if someone is going to write hate mail, especially male to female, they have passive-aggressive issues and almost all passive-agressives are cowards in a face to face situation. In the end, they are just arm-chair cowards and don’t present a real threat to you just like the stalker I have. So ignore it and move on with your life. Also remember this thought: The best way to shut those people up is by living well and not letting them get you upset. Of course, that is my opinion but having a stalker/cyber-stalker like I do who is in this biz as a hooker, unlike you ladies, I am qualified to make the statements I have.

Good luck Chloe with your hater. As for what Naomi4U wrote, it is a good plan but is complicated. I would think if you just don’t respond or make any other posts about it, i.e. don’t make another thread like this one, they will lose their way of getting ‘gratification’ which will kill the urge for them. In my case, I just don't give a phuck any more and I am untouchable as far as my stalker goes, so when the one that is stalking me reads this: I am doing well, living large and feeling fine without you.

Stay calm, all is well. (Heh, got to love Animal House and Kevin Bacon...)
Thanks Phantom', you're right - living well is the best revenge.

Still, I've just been looking at some totally (I thought) unrelated things on the web, and one of the stars there has one of the names that this guy used. I think to myself - is this the same guy? You never know, it could be, somewhat famous and all.

Sorry to hear about your lady stalker. Well, a lot of ladies are lonely and wilfully get the wrong idea, I think it's crazy and demeaning to do that but I know it happens.

All the best!

Chloe xxx
wow, Naomi you are too smart for me but you just helped me out big time.
Blocking an IP is far easier than blocking a bunch of emails.
Thats why I feel so safe around here....
Just be careful not to let your curiosity get the better of you Chloe. It is, in my opinion, better to not read anything from them or allow them to enter into your thoughts because that gives them room to maneuver in your mind; don’t give them that option. Have a burial if you need to but don’t let them exist in your mind. That will impede your life even if you think it won’t. Believe me on this as I know from experience...

As for the one stalking/cyber-stalking me... yes, she is lonely however she was the cause of the problems when there should have not been any problems. She did not get the wrong idea by anything I said to her. Rather, it was I who got the wrong messages from her and I was deceived by what she said to me. Took me a while to discerned the truth and I was bit slow in doing so but I know the score now and have for years.

Thank you Chloe for your thoughts. Be safe and have fun out there.


Now to those who are not an IT person, I will point out that blocking an IP address is only a transitory thing. The reason for that being true is that most ISP’s provide you a DHCP based IP address which means it gets renewed within a specific timeframe, such on a one to three day basis if everything like your MAC address stays the same. Now here is the catch to that: IF someone knows how to do so, it is easy to get a different IP address from an ISP. I won’t post how you can do it, but you can do it and rather easily I will add. I agree that blocking an IP is far more efficient than blocking a bunch of different email addresses but keep in mind the key to blocking email addresses is not blocking the whole email like m, rather block the domain of origin such as which prevents any email address from that domain getting through. If you have a Yahoo or gmail account, this is a very simple task to accomplish. Also with both Yahoo and Gmail, you can filter those emails to a sub-folder and never bother with them ending up in your mail email inbox. That has the advantage of also keep in the trash out of your daily email viewing.

Just a thought... have fun.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I agree that blocking an IP is far more efficient than blocking a bunch of different email addresses but keep in mind the key to blocking email addresses is not blocking the whole email like m, rather block the domain of origin such as which prevents any email address from that domain getting through. If you have a Yahoo or gmail account, this is a very simple task to accomplish. Also with both Yahoo and Gmail, you can filter those emails to a sub-folder and never bother with them ending up in your mail email inbox. That has the advantage of also keep in the trash out of your daily email viewing.[/FONT][/COLOR]

Just a thought... have fun. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
Do you know how many hobbyists use gmail and yahoo? She would be losing a LOT of business by doing what you suggested (no offense). I would not do that.

Chloe, Installing a plugin on wordpress is very easy.
Just go to "Plugins" in your wordpress dashboard and type in the names of the
plugin you would like to install. Install "Wassup" and "WP-BAN". I can go into more detail on how to actually configure the plugins via email. It's very easy to do.
Did you even read what was written Naomi? Your post implies you did not or that you did not understand what I wrote. Here it is again for you and I have underlined the key points in my post below that are clear. I was not being specific but general in my approach and I was correct in what I posted. How one does what I suggested is their own business but what you are suggesting on the Wordpress plugin, while it conceptually works, practically can be easily by-passed by someone who knows what they are doing either with Wordpress or in IT.

Now to those who are not an IT person, I will point out that blocking an IP address is only a transitory thing. The reason for that being true is that most ISP’s provide you a DHCP based IP address which means it gets renewed within a specific timeframe, such on a one to three day basis if everything like your MAC address stays the same. Now here is the catch to that: IF someone knows how to do so, it is easy to get a different IP address from an ISP. I won’t post how you can do it, but you can do it and rather easily I will add. I agree that blocking an IP is far more efficient than blocking a bunch of different email addresses but keep in mind the key to blocking email addresses is not blocking the whole email like m, rather block the domain of origin such as which prevents any email address from that domain getting through. If you have a Yahoo or gmail account, this is a very simple task to accomplish. Also with both Yahoo and Gmail, you can filter those emails to a sub-folder and never bother with them ending up in your mail email inbox. That has the advantage of also keep in the trash out of your daily email viewing.
John Bull's Avatar
Keep it civil kiddies!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Did you even read what was written Naomi? Your post implies you did not or that you did not understand what I wrote. Here it is again for you and I have underlined the key points in my post below that are clear. I was not being specific but general in my approach and I was correct in what I posted. How one does what I suggested is their own business but what you are suggesting on the Wordpress plugin, while it conceptually works, practically can be easily by-passed by someone who knows what they are doing either with Wordpress or in IT.
Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
You're implying that if she used a filter to block his emails, she will no longer see his emails.

Maybe but we're not sure.

There is a software that you can get that lets you know when someone had read or deleted your email. You can get this software for a very small fee. How do we know he doesn't have that software? If he does, he can easily create a new email address and use it to stalk her with. If he is an IT, there are a lot of things he can do to bypass this method as well.

As for wordpress, I believe in it because I've helped 4 ladies get rid of their stalkers this way. Heck I got rid of my stalker this way. I tend to stick with things that have a good track record.

You know.. another thing she could do is create a new email address and mask it. Just sayin...

No argument here. I am all for working smart and staying safe as much as possible. Heck she can try both the wordpress thing and the email thing and see how it works for her.
