Giving back

GingerB83's Avatar
So I figure it's safe to say that alot of people here make a decent living. I'm just wondering what you do to give back?? What are you passionate about that makes you open your wallet or volunteer?? Besides hobbying of course!!
My passion is animal welfare. Just saying that can illicit many different thoughts for everyone. I donate each month to a few organizations and just wanna know what charities you guys donate to???

"Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without." ~Rue McClanahan

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~Bern Williams
:rm _frog:
I always give back to the three C's - Critters, Children & Convalescent homes ..
Baby sitting for a single mother that is working late nights, donationg food to the animal shelter, volunteer work at some convalescent homes and bringing them art and craft supply.
GingerB83's Avatar
Wow that's awesome! Makes me realize there's alot more I could be doing. Thanks so much for your comments!
jframe2's Avatar
I "adopted" a Veteran that lives in an Assisted Living community about 3 years ago.
At first, I would just go down and we would watch a ball game or a movie on tv, play some cards, etc. as we got to know each other.

Then about two years ago, we decided to go to a strip what a time we had!
The 2nd year I rented a car and driver and went to about 3 places, out to eat and did the whole thing. Got a couple of my local vet buddies to go. We had a blast!

This year on Veterans Day, (November 11), or close to it, we are going out again.... And the car service and driver donated their time and the car; we pay the gas.

Being a Wingman for an older vet at a strip if I had only known this when I was 30! Better than taking a puppy to the park!
Clouddancer's Avatar
Very admirable ladies.
I think most of us have a cause or something that is important to us.
For me, I am deeply affected seeing children suffering from illness, poor living conditions, etc. I don't do enough.
ICU 812's Avatar
I am passionate about The Hobby. If I had more oppertunity and rsources, I would hobby often (and longer) and tip bigger.

While the above is not a joke, it is NOT what the thread-starter had in mind.

If the situation is that I have won some really huge lottery, I would establish a charitable foundation 501(c)3-ish and distribute money through a formal process.

I have worked in a medical setting with military vetrens from all eras and every service. I would be looking for the small or obscure needs that most don't hear about; The EOD survivor's scholarship fund for example.

Another area of interest is clean water in undeveloped areas here at hiome and abroad. There are several religeous and secular organizations that drill water wells this all over the world.

But I would definatly hobby more!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Red Cross, Salvation Army for money
A hospital and church for time
Good Will for donations

my latest contribution (yesterday) was $100 tip to the guy at the McDonald's drive thru that mentioned he rode his bicycle to work from another town!
I don't like to say the ways I give back specifically - given what context we're talking in here - only that, these days, I try to give consciously to what or whom I feel are genuinely good causes rather than people who just ask for money or other resources.

I find this more challenging than it may sound - when people ask for help my knee-jerk reaction is to immediately do something. But more and more I'm becoming clearer that there are consequences to our actions so I seek only to give energy to truly positive places.

That said, animals and children who need help get me every time! (Well, nearly. I absolutely hate to be asked for things in public places, like outside of Starbucks.They almost always get a no from me.)
I invite a lot of friends, care for my sister, and i do animal welfare