Job hunting

CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I find myself looking for a new job. I started my current job in October of last year and they are making LOTS of changes that will, among other things, curtail the amount of time I spend with my daughter on weekends. I am looking for a M-F 8 to 5 kind of job. I have clerical/mail and courier experience as well as date entry and, you wouldn't know it to look at me, I am very good with people. Especially training people once I have learned a task. If anyone knows anything I would really appreciate your help. I try to keep my personal life out of this but I am getting pretty desperate. Thanks everyone. PM me if you like. I do not want any drama just looking for a new gig.

CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
If I posted something inappropriate or put this in the wrong place....sorry.
Precious_b's Avatar
Best of luck to you.

Always great when our community can help one another out.
bearf15amc's Avatar
Amazon is hiring. Don't know if that is your thing. They pay well and have flexible hours.
guy fawkes's Avatar
Amazon is hiring. Don't know if that is your thing. They pay well and have flexible hours.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
Thanks everyone.