Since the passing of SESTA/FOSTA and ECCIE shutting down then coming back, I've noticed an uptick in companions instituting a no review policy. Myself included.
Companions, if you used to accept reviews but you stopped in 2018 or 2019, what was your main motivation for doing so? Clients, how do you perceive a companion that does not want reviews?
I wonder if it appears that we "have something to hide." But in my mind, when a companion has been on here and active for years, why should their credibility be called into question simply because they no longer want ECCIE reviews? In addition to reasons regarding legality, the most pressing reason why I no longer want reviews on here is because after the format was changed the scale was tipped. Removing the fields for session duration and donation, while still keeping the activities section seems imbalanced. I'm curious what others think.
Lena has some good points.
I will mention that two of my favs have dropped their eccie accounts.
One of those, and another, do not want reviews. Of the three, two are parttimers and the third is nearing her goals. And yes, the Fosta stuff could be part of it.
My perception is simple, if the women desire to not be overly noticeable (reviews and ads) that's their business, as I'll continue to see them regardless.
One of the other guys in my area has an opinion, that I agree with, that perhaps only 10% to 15% of that areas hobby guys are eccie guys. So if a good business woman is doing fine with the 85%-90% non-eccie guys, by using their personal web sites, P411, or limited ads elsewhere, and prefer no reviews (ads), that's entirely their business.
Frankly, I quite enjoy dates with discrete professional business women.
From a different POV I no longer will write Reviews even when asked to do do and my reason has more to do with a few local issues and a few backstabbers that have cropped up over the past few years!! If a lady asks me, I politely decline to review for her and I explain why! So far the She in question has been very understanding! If a lady offers a ‘review discount’ I tell her thanks but I will pay the regular fee she has in place! My last published Review was in 2016, though I still can enjoy a fine woman’s company, even at the age of 74!
I am in agreement with all that is being said. I have plenty of reviews. I have been on the board since 2011, and I have a good board presence and rep.
These days I prefer to not have any, just because I have decided to begin winding down and do other things with my life.
I will stay on until my plan is securely in place and I have reached all my goals.
However I prefer a gent. respect a ladies wishes if she has a NO review policy in place.
Just my opinion...
Hmm. I'll try to add some 'devil's advocate' perspective.
I think the strength of this board is the open coed dialogue. I've been on boards where there wasn't any back and forth. They're like a gas station in a small town, on a long cross country drive. The visits become more and more infrequent, and the stops become shorter and shorter.
Open communication is what makes this board what it is. Part of that communication is reviews. I know many ladies don't care for it. But the flip side of this is the spending customer. What makes ECCIE better than these other sites is the STRENGTH of the review process. Of course, every review isn't perfect, and there's some credibility issues at times, when it comes to particular tastes (WALDT). I believe reviews at least channel down expectations, and guys can determine ahead of time who to pursue and not pursue, so on and so forth.
Without getting too wordy, I'll try this approach. Let's say, tomorrow, you log onto eccie and EVERY SINGLE REVIEW IS GONE. Clean sweep. All wiped off the board.
What's going to happen to the your opinion? What happens to eccie if all reviews are wiped off and no longer written going forward?
To refresh the memory about a no review policy. They are granted on a case by case basis by admins. You forfeit your right to have a bio page and also forfeit the right to post Updates.
It is news to me that a no review policy is granted on a case by case. Sometime in Spring 2018, companions were asking about it in the Ladies Room to get clarification on how to uphold the integrity of such a policy. Based on my memory, a mod of that forum chimed in and never was it stated that the request could be denied by admins so long as we followed the rules.
..They are granted on a case by case basis by admins.
Originally Posted by dj8rocks
Please consider this my formal request to not receive reviews on here. I stopped posting ads over a year ago precisely because it was communicated that was a trade-off for no longer accepting reviews. I didn't realize about the bio page, but please feel free to disable mine.
You forfeit your right to have a bio page and also forfeit the right to post Updates.
Originally Posted by dj8rocks
Thanks for raising this point. How much of a companion's client base is comprised of people from review boards could also influence their decision.
One of the other guys in my area has an opinion, that I agree with, that perhaps only 10% to 15% of that areas hobby guys are eccie guys. So if a good business woman is doing fine with the 85%-90% non-eccie guys, by using their personal web sites, P411, or limited ads elsewhere, and prefer no reviews (ads), that's entirely their business.
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Your stellar reputation precedes you Melissa! Best of luck on your future endeavors.
I am in agreement with all that is being said. I have plenty of reviews. I have been on the board since 2011, and I have a good board presence and rep.
These days I prefer to not have any, just because I have decided to begin winding down and do other things with my life.
I will stay on until my plan is securely in place and I have reached all my goals..
Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
PD's system of having a review be more like a testimonial appeals to me. And even taking the current format of ECCIE's reviews into consideration, it is my opinion that since it was possible to remove some of the fields, the "Activities" field could have also been removed. Whereby a client can still convey what an overall experience was like, and even whether or not he would repeat or recommend without there needing to be a laundry list of acronyms.
Open communication is what makes this board what it is. Part of that communication is reviews. I know many ladies don't care for it. But the flip side of this is the spending customer. What makes ECCIE better than these other sites is the STRENGTH of the review process. Of course, every review isn't perfect, and there's some credibility issues at times, when it comes to particular tastes (WALDT). I believe reviews at least channel down expectations, and guys can determine ahead of time who to pursue and not pursue, so on and so forth.
The thing that I have noticed is that engagement has been down on many city coed forums regardless. Even before the new laws, there was a huge problem with certain companions being targeted and antagonized by obsessive trolls. Thankfully I was never directly affected in the same way others were but it was still awkward and at times painful to vicariously witness.
Many of us found refuge on social media. Which brings me back to my point about balance. Appeasing to both clients and companions alike is equally important.
What's going to happen to the your opinion? What happens to eccie if all reviews are wiped off and no longer written going forward?
Multi faceted topic.
I haven't been a fan of reviews, for various reasons, although they can be helpful. My previous handful of ones were quite good. And I don't click with everyone, I do my best to avoid bad chemistry, but it happens. It's not about hiding, although some people are more restrictive on their privacy. I always have been, from when I started years ago.
Since the laws, I have been an advocate for a lady running as UTR, protective, diversifying, as she feels necessary, as well as for her clients; shit trickles downhill. I've taken the steps to do that.
Reviews have become redundant. I use to do a lot. Then I did them only to get premium. Now I don't care if I'm premium or not. With the current atmosphere they are even less valuable than they were before.
Well, those that don't like a REVIEW board don't have to use it.
It's funny how many of those who have benefitted from reviews in the past, all of a sudden see it as a nuisance.
Well, those that don't like a REVIEW board don't have to use it.

It's funny how many of those who have benefitted from reviews in the past, all of a sudden see it as a nuisance.
Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Folks are entitled to their choices and opinions, whether they align with yours or not!
These days, I only write reviews if asked, unless she was so bad as to warrant a “no.” I respect no review policies and why providers have them; they can lead to unwanted attention and occasional drama. On the flip side, I think a new provider would be unwise to have such a policy, but maybe I’m wrong.