Encounter: C&D by amandaxxxxxx

User ID: N/A
Date: 6/12/2021
Name: amandaxxxxxx
Phone: 412-516-4106
Email Address: N/A
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://tryst.link/escort/amandaxxxxxx
City: Monroeville
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Apartments behind Lowe's
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: Going into apartment, going into bedroom. she steps out and doesn't come back for 10 minutes. After texting her if everything was OK she said she was meeting her friend outside. Never seen her again.
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Up in ponytail
Age: 35
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Fat and covered in shitty tattoos.
Recommendation: No
the1999person's Avatar
I believe this is one of the girls from the Penn Hills group. Nothing but bad things have happened when guys visit. The tryist link almost fooled me with the nicer pictures first.
That’s star from pen hills. Should have trashed the apartment and shit on the bed
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Originally Posted by himzert

She got a guy I work with last week. They met at a motel, she stepped out and some guy came in demanding he leave and he didn’t want to cause a scene or have the cops show up over $100 so he just left.
I commented a previous post about that house. I had an appointment and when I drove by there were a bunch of wanna be mini gangsters in and out of the house when I drove by/parked down the street so I canceled.
This was actually at an apartment this time. I also tried calling the number with a different number and she answered. So the number still works.