Sleep Sex???

And this is a problem???? I don't get enough while I'm awake, much less asleep.

Sexsomnia — having sex while asleep — is a common complaint of patients seeking treatment for sleep disorders, new research shows.
Nearly 8% of patients referred to a sleep disorders clinic reported they had initiated or taken part in sexual behavior while sleeping. Men accounted for three-quarters of the self-reported sexsomniacs.

"We were surprised at how common it was," said study author Sharon Chung, a staff scientist in the Sleep Research Laboratory at the University Health Network in Toronto. "We thought we'd get just a handful of people, yet it was almost one in 12."

In the study, researchers asked 832 patients about sexual behavior while sleeping, which can range from masturbation to intercourse. About 11% of men and 4% of women said they had engaged in "sleep sex."

Researchers said the prevalence is probably lower in the general population.

Sexsomnia is a form of a sleep disorder called parasomnia, or unwanted behavior that occurs during sleep. "An act of parasomnia can be as small as opening your eyes while fast asleep or grinding your teeth, to getting up and vacuuming, speaking, eating or having sex," Chung said.

SLEEP DEPRIVED: Catching up on lost sleep a dangerous illusion

Generally, people have no awareness of what they are doing and no recollection of it, Chung said.

Sexsomnia is more than a medical curiosity. It has been used as a criminal defense in sexual assault cases. In 2008, a Toronto man was found not guilty of sexually assaulting a woman after the court heard evidence that the man had engaged in "sleep sex" with several former girlfriends, according to news reports.

Colin Shapiro, the senior author of the paper, was an expert witness in that case, Chung noted, which got the team wondering just how common sexsomnia really was.

What brings on sexsomnia isn't really understood, but about twice as many patients who reported sexsomnia had used illegal drugs (15.9% vs. 7.7%) and were more likely to have consumed alcohol (41% vs. 27%). People who had experienced sexsomnia reported problems with insomnia (falling or staying asleep), fatigue and depression, although no more so than other patients at the sleep clinic. Rates of caffeine consumption and smoking were also similar, according to the study.

People experiencing a parasomnia are not often violent; they usually pose more of a threat to themselves, said Dr. Lisa Shives, medical director of Northshore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Ill. But there are rare cases in which people have killed someone and claimed they were sleeping and unaware of their actions.

The good news is that parasomnia, sexsomnia included, is treatable with medications including benzodiazepines, such as clonazepam, which is also used to treat epilepsy and anxiety disorders, Shives said.

Yet few patients bring the issue up with the doctors. In the study, only four said they had previously told a medical professional about sexsomnia.
"Of the thousands of patients I've seen, I've never had someone come in complaining of sexsomnia, but I have always believed it's a bona fide disorder," Shives said. "It's a form of sleep walking. When people are sleep walking, they may do any rote or instinctual behavior. That can include walking, eating, driving and sexual activity."

The reason patients don't bring it up could be embarrassment, the fact that doctors rarely ask about it, or that patients aren't particularly bothered by it, Chung said.

"Is it a problem? As long as you don't get into legal problems and as long as your partner doesn't mind, it's not a problem," Chung said. "Although it can leave you tired the next day."
bluffcityguy's Avatar
And this is a problem???? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It is if the object of your attentions isn't willing.

"Is it a problem? As long as you don't get into legal problems and as long as your partner doesn't mind, it's not a problem," Chung said. "Although it can leave you tired the next day."
Being refreshed the next day is highly overrated.


  • Bliss
  • 06-14-2010, 10:53 PM
My husband will get on me when I'm sleeping. Usually I wake up when I feel the poke, but one time I woke up having an orgasm it was awesome.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
My husband will get on me when I'm sleeping. Usually I wake up when I feel the poke, but one time I woke up having an orgasm it was awesome. Originally Posted by Bliss
You must be a very sound sleeper. I've never had a girlfriend/wife who slept that soundly. The best I've managed is a little foreplay while she's sleeping, which she's always woken up during... The resulting sex has always been pretty hot, though, so I'm not complaining.

I have it on good authority (a college lady friend I was never more than platonic friends with--not for lack of trying on my part ) that waking up to find your partner eating you out is quite awesome. You're the first "waking up having an orgasm" story I've heard.

What you're describing isn't exactly what the OP was talking about, though. The OP's describing a situation where a sleeping person initiates sexual activity. What your husband's doing counts if he's sound asleep when he mounts you. Or if you mounted him while you were sound asleep and then woke having an orgasm...


I tend to wake up horny at night, and stroke his member until it's hard....he usually wakes up after I get it in my mouth...sometimes not for a few strokes....
I love it...not giving him a choice, just taking it. Usually after he cums, he can't go back to sleep right away and is up for about an hour. It sure does help out on the nights that he snores!
pyramider's Avatar
What about the Ambien users? I have heard several from friends that take Ambien.
What about the Ambien users? I have heard several from friends that take Ambien. Originally Posted by pyramider

Ambien can make you do a few things while still asleep...

As far as sleep sex, could there be anyrhing better. I groggy half asleep, late night sex!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Ambien can make you do a few things while still asleep... Originally Posted by luxury daphne
The advice columnist in the Memphis Flyer (the local alternative fishwrap) fielded a question about this from a reader a few months or so ago. Basically, the reader said he had a (female) roommate (engaged to another guy, IIRC) who'd been prescribed some sleeping drug (Ambien or similar), and she started coming to his room naked, crawling into his bed and trying to initiate sex while she was asleep. He said he'd woken her up every time (to her alleged embarrassment and gratitude for not taking advantage of her) and told her she should bring the problem up with her doctor, but that she apparently hadn't done so because she kept coming to his bed naked, etc. (His question: "I'm beginning to find the temptation irresistible; can I get in trouble if I give in and have sex with her the next time that happens?" (short answer: not only "yes" but "FUCK YES!!!")).

These side effects may be rare (a friend tells me they happen only with the "AmbienCR" (controlled release) version; I don't know about that myself), but they've pretty much scared me from coming anywhere near these drugs (I have a few problems sleeping which might otherwise be helped by these drugs).


OMG perfecty deniability for the lady...if i was her, I would tell him next time, take advantage! A fun time, and no one is at fault! Perfect!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
OMG perfecty deniability for the lady...if i was her, I would tell him next time, take advantage! A fun time, and no one is at fault! Perfect! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Perfect right up until the point that the woman suffers a bad case of remorse while awake, and files rape charges.* In most jurisdictions that I'm familiar with, having sexual intercourse with a person who is incapable of giving consent is rape. Lawyers ain't cheap, and even if one is ultimately acquitted (and he might have a decent-or-better chance at acquittal depending on the law in the jurisdiction in question), the whole process is extremely invasive, and the press attention would disrupt one's life so enormously that one's life may never be normal again.

Call me overly cautious, but if I were that guy, I'd tell that roommate, "I"m sorry, nothing personal, but if you won't get your meds changed we're not roommates anymore", either give her a week to move out or move out myself within a week, and then either telephone or visit her physician and inform him of the problem. The shit that could hit the fan as a result of having fun with her would be worse even that getting her pregnant...



* or possibly she finds a PI lawyer and files a civil lawsuit for common-law battery or whatever is the equivalent in that jurisdiction; no risk of jail there, but the publicity would be unbearably embarrassing, and it'd cost as much or more (including the probable out-of-court settlement) to defend against than a criminal prosecution.
I see you're point...but if it were ME... remorse!

But you are right, if I were him, I would double lock my door first...if that doesn't help the situation, then she would have to go!
I think this sounds far cooler than it really is. I am VERY open minded about all sorts of thing – and definitely sexually open minded. But if someone had sex with me while I was asleep – whoa watch out. It would piss me off to no end. I don’t care how good it is or how much I like something, I want to be in the know.

Now, waking me up in the middle of the night………………is a completely different story .
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I see you're point...but if it were ME... remorse! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Then when you start taking Ambien, please send me a PM...


fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 06-17-2010, 02:52 AM
I use to sleep walk real bad when I was growing up and into my twenties but I didn't remember any of it..they told me about it...hmmmmmm wonder if I did some naughty stuff and they kept their mouth shut when I was in my twenties....damn...
Being woken up for sex is nice. Your body is more relaxed so the orgasm is much better. Hasn't happened to me in quite a while.