A question for Providers

guy fawkes's Avatar
As we venture out to meet women who provide their time for a "in" meeting at their provided spot.

We would like to have a place with furnishing and a working bath.

I am wondering beside the fact that we should take care of our bodies.

What do you women expect when you visit us ?
Randyredhead's Avatar
I have a comfortable, furnished hobby room and a full bathroom eith shower and fresh towels when I have a guest. As for what I expect as a provider, men should be clean, smell nice, well groomed, leave donation on a table before activities, be respectful of me and my home. If those expectations are met, then I'm a happy girl!

Merry Minx's Avatar
As we venture out to meet women who provide their time for a "in" meeting at their provided spot.

We would like to have a place with furnishing and a working bath.

I am wondering beside the fact that we should take care of our bodies.

What do you women expect when you visit us ? Originally Posted by guy fawkes

When I visit a gentleman, instead of him coming to me - I expect a clean, furnished, comfortable area to spend time together. If someone has recently moved, or has remodeling or something going on that prevents his area from being tidy - letting me know in advance is always preferable. I’ll most likely have no issue with it - but it is nice to know what to expect before arrival.

Once there, I appreciate proper lighting - I don’t care how bright you’d like the lights (though it may affect the overall ambiance, lol) - but I do need to be able to see where I am, my surroundings, and the deliciousness of your body... The bathroom should be mentioned, and I should be invited to use it. This is where most ladies prefer their fee be left - and it also gives us the opportunity to freshen up - especially if it wasn’t a short drive. Please have soap, and a fresh hand towel or washcloth available. Anything else we might want, we’ll likely have with us. Aside from that, it’s always preferable for the temperature to be comfortable, and to have at least a cold bottled water available. I don’t mind drinking out of a glass at all - but I do want to be present when the drink is being served or prepared, if it is not in a sealed bottle.

I always take all of my own supplies with me, so it makes no difference whether or not you have them available. However, if you’d like specific toys or anything similar to use during our time together - I need to know this well before I leave my house to visit you, please.

Simple things people would typically consider common sense: don’t have anyone else over at your place while we’re there - or coming over before we leave (unless you ask if that’s okay beforehand); don’t have any drugs out, or visible, or assume that we want anything to do with any of that - we most likely don’t; also, it’s best not to have any type of weaponry or anything out that might make someone uncomfortable - unless it’s wall decor, or something of that nature.

I remember one time I went to someone’s home for an evening rendezvous. He asked if I was okay to dress a very specific way, and wished to leave his front door unlocked - so that I could walk into our planned “scene” more believably - making the roleplay seem like less of an act. I agreed, as he was verified, we had discussed our plan at length - and I was honestly excited for the evening’s activities...

Upon getting to his home, and texting him that I was heading inside - I opened the front door to a pitch black house. There was absolutely no light on - aside from an orange glow lingering down a far hallway I could see from right outside the doorway.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark - and I called out multiple times that he needed to turn the lights on - and that his behavior was not funny - I could make out the shape of a large body in the corner of the room - caddy corner, and across the room from the front door, where I stood. I could make out that his hand was raised, and holding what looked like some sort of large weapon, from the shadows - and I turned to literally run.

It was seconds. But to this day - I remember it felt like minutes.

As I was essentially fleeing his property - a bunch of lights turned on, and I heard someone yelling about how he was so sorry.


Long(er) story short: he was waiting for me in his bedroom, and didn’t realize how dark it was...

All I’ll say is...that boy got a good spanking...

For the sake of not saying too much - he had a life-sized prop in the corner of his living room that was used for something that needed to be extremely real, and believable. Upon making him stand at his front door with the lights off himself - he realized just how big of a mistake he made, lol.

We had a great time, and I’ve been there multiple times since. I always have deja vu walking through that front door, though. Bright as day or not, lol.

Point of the story: do everything you can to prevent similar situations, lol. Or - just don’t have a scary ass life-sized killer in your house - fake or not - I don’t know, lol.

guy fawkes's Avatar
Thank YOU@Merry Minx
Merry Minx's Avatar
Thank YOU@Merry Minx Originally Posted by guy fawkes

Anytime, doll.

Hope you’re having a fantastic weekend, and staying warm.