What is going on???

So I was retired for a couple years and it seems to me that now that I am back there are sooooo many more clients requesting BBFS, do y'all know how dangerous that is?? I mean its seriously like every 5 clients I see are asking for it. In my personal life away from the hobby I still always cover and those gentlemen never ask and always carry covers and they don't know what I do but a bunch of y'all do know the industry and don't care to cover.... Why is that??? I'm a little confused as to when protecting yourself was no longer an issue


Stay Safe My Friends!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Those crazy kids ...
cabletex7's Avatar
I blame porn.
joesmo888's Avatar
whether you are in the hobby or not you better be getting STD tested often. the last thing you want to do is bring home anything to your gf or wife, then you are F**KED

GET TESTED!! anonymous STD testing> http://goo.gl/o1Scv6 T34TU2 saves you 10%
My opinion: 1- the older the client the more they feel it "feels" better that way. 2- They are getting to the point of "nothing to loose" odds are still in my favor. 3- guys love creampies : ) Just my .02
pyramider's Avatar
whether you are in the hobby or not you better be getting STD tested often. the last thing you want to do is bring home anything to your gf or wife, then you are F**KED

GET TESTED!! anonymous STD testing> http://goo.gl/o1Scv6 T34TU2 saves you 10% Originally Posted by joesmo888
What about if you get the STD from your wife?

I think it can be summarized by just looking around at the way people in general act these days. The whole world is going crazy bat-shit nuts. Young people don't really learn anything any more, and older people who should know better are letting their hair down and getting a "Don't Give a Shit" attitude.

Personally, ain't no way I'm gonna BBFS anybody. I like living without having to worry about Mr. Willie swelling up, turning green, and falling off (not necessarily in that order)...
What about if you get the STD from your wife? Originally Posted by pyramider
Pyramider, that's easy. She'll blame you, and you'll blame her. You might even say y'all would act married...