What & who would you do for a Klondike bar??

DallasRain's Avatar
My daughter & I had this discussion today and she said to post it her for fun.....
What Would You Do-o-o for a Klondike Bar?

10 Things I Would Do for a Klondike Bar:
1. Wear a dress made out of duct tape.
2. Go to the grocery store in my pajamas.
3. Spend the night at Walmart.
4. Post a YouTube video of myself chair dancing awesomely to “I like Big Tits”.
5. Stand facing the wrong way in the elevator....flashing people who get on
6. Go to a fancy restaurant and speak to the server the whole time in ig-pay atin-lay{pig latin,which I know fluidly...lol}
7. Approach a total stranger and pretend to he is my long lost high school boyfriend
8. run around town in just my panties & bra
9. Dye my hair pink. No, blue. No, pink.
10. Do the Polar Bear Plunge in Lake Coeur d’Alene.

10 Things I Would Most Assuredly Not Do for a Klondike Bar:
1. Let a tarantula walk on my face.{I HATE TARANTULAS MORE THAN ANYTHING}
2. Go bungee jumping.
3. watch Nancy Grace
4. Get a tattoo of Gumby on my thigh.
5. Watch King Kong..the old one
6. play with frogs{I hate hate hate frogs}
7. Try out for American Idol or So You Think You can Dance
8. Sit through a Lady GaGa concert.
9. Reread “The Old Man & The Sea"
10. Go anywhere with the Burger King. He’s creepy.

Who would you do for a Klondike Bar???
Ron Jeremy????hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe

Now Add your own answers!!!!

Murf76's Avatar
Hey,Dee,I know what I'm stocking the mini-fridge in your room with,the next time you come to StL!!!! Along with your cheesehead,of course!
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 09-29-2010, 10:16 PM
10 Things I Would Do for a Klondike Bar:
1. Provide the duct tape-->>>>>>Wear a dress made out of duct tape.
2. Drop you at the front door--->>>>>Go to the grocery store in my pajamas.
3. Help you set up a tent in sporting goods---->>>>>Spend the night at Walmart.
4. Help you make the video--->>>>>Post a YouTube video of myself chair dancing awesomely to “I like Big Tits”.
5. Hold the elevator for the stragglers---->>>>Stand facing the wrong way in the elevator....flashing people who get on
6. Pretend this was normal for you, since apparently it is--->>>>>Go to a fancy restaurant and speak to the server the whole time in pig latin{which I know frequently...lol}
7. Keep his wife occupied--->>>>Approach a total stranger and pretend to he is my long lost high school boyfriend
8. Follow you in the car in case LEO spots you--->>>>run around town in just my panties & bra
9. Roll my eyes at your indecision and tell you how you remind me of Tiffany--->>>>Dye my hair pink. No, blue. No, pink.
10. EH....take Nicolete out for seafood dinner.--->>>Do the Polar Bear Plunge in Lake Coeur d’Alene.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
10 lame things for a klondike ice cream bar??? dunno about that

this ideas is just as bad I think.

get on your fours and bark "whoof whoof", run around in circles as if chasing tail and roll over and play dead!
I B Hankering's Avatar
There was this old prospector from the lower thirty-eight who ventured to the banks of the Klondike in hopes of striking it rich panning for gold. When he reached Dawson, he discovered all of the best claims were already staked out and registered. However, there was one group of Sourdoughs who said he could join their claim if he first proved his mettle by performing three simple tasks:

1) drink a fifth of Mezcal and eat the worm,
2) "service" a local Eskimo woman, and
3) knife fight a Polar bear.

The old prospector immediately agreed.

His new buddies handed him a bottle of Mezcal, and he poured it down his throat swallowing the worm with his last gulp. Someone gave him a twenty-dollar gold piece, someone else handed him a Bowie knife, and then the Sourdoughs pushed him out the cabin door into the cold, dark night to finish the other two tasks.

Several hours later, the old prospector drunkenly, stumbled back into the cabin with the knife drawn. He looked ragged, his clothes hung from him in shreds, and he was cut, bruised and bleeding. As he stumbled in, the old prospector asked the startled onlookers, “OK. Now where is that Eskimo woman I’m supposed to knife fight.”

I know, wrong "Klondike b'ar," but when I saw "Klondike" and a Polar bear, I couldn't help but recall this old joke. I couldn’t help myself. I know, I’m not well -sorry.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--ib thanks i needed the laugh babe!
Outdoorsman's Avatar
This could be a very fun thread. What you speak of Dallas, these little public pranks or displays I have had people do for years.

I run local scavenger hunts and part of the hunt is to perform certain tasks in which I reveal last minute. The entire team (usually about 5 people) must perform and no one gets a klondike bar, just a shot at winning the hunt.

Let me recall a few,

1) Ride the ferry across the river by walking on in swimsuits only, not summertime either
2) Entire team on all fours crawl in and out of a local grocery store
3) Take a photo of two team members inside Sheraton in a provcative position
4) Most recently was to appear on Superdome ramp with entire team, in front of the sign marked "A" (gate number) would have to do other things once there but security kicked us out. It was at midnight.

There are others but whole evening of hunt is an absolute blast. I have pictures of all of it.

What would I do? Not much I would not do and the Klondike bar is just langiappe.

Wear only top portion of my suit - no pants just my shorts - into hotel, check-in, and ride elevator up to my floor. I actually heard of a guy doing this and saying to all he just forgot to put his pants on.