Are there any

chat rooms anywhere which rival the chat rooms of AOL in the 90s. The kind where you could actually pick up someone. Nowadays the majority of chat rooms seems to be only filled with phone sex or internet sex women.
ilikepie's Avatar
I miss the old AOL Alabama chat rooms. I was in my 20's and picking up women for a evening of fun was just to easy. Anything you wanted you could get. Single ladies, couple swap or groups. It was a wild time.
burkalini's Avatar
Chat rooms are like boom boxes. Deys old shit.
damn I miss my old boom box. Didn't have the really huge Ghetto blaster that some friends had. Those ipods just seem whimpy compared to back in the day
shorty's Avatar
The chat room here is full of ladies. There lonely, bored, horny, and wet just waiting on you to make that call for an hr of there time!
Alabama chatroom was hot.
The chat room here is full of ladies. There lonely, bored, horny, and wet just waiting on you to make that call for an hr of there time! Originally Posted by shorty
And they are all in Texas.
burkalini's Avatar
The chat room here is full of ladies. There lonely, bored, horny, and wet just waiting on you to make that call for an hr of there time! Originally Posted by shorty

I have been in the chats here a couple of times. Its about as boring as you can get
Well, not so boring))