Tornado Toni Warning

Appointment this week never happened

Shit box motel
Arrived on time but please wait - 25 minutes later
Up stairs opened door no one in room
In bathroom please wait — 15 more minutes
Staggers out mumbling
Outfit a mess
Bruises all over arms bleeding by elbow
Leave only to see your favorite relatives across street

Good luck with this one gentlemen
I was afraid it was her. Met her back couple years ago in her utr days- she was great. Unfortunately when they stumble, they stumble hard..
Have had same n somewhat parallel experience as Warren. Lady is in hall of fame for bad tcb skills, and that was even before apparent problems of past few months.
I dont do incall but if I arrive and get to a room and there's nobody in there , sure as hell not waiting g 25 then another 15. Im go e first look around . She has priors about not being the most coherent person. Doubt she was a setup if she was in that shape but best bet is leaving g ASAP
She's often in the shower when I've seen her. She made up the bad time we had recently, but I decided not to review. Her number is not reliable and her TCB is horrible. Great when she's not a mess though. Too bad.
I had the same exspierance with her. She clearly is having issues. But man when she is right she is a great time
I've had a few providers like that... when they are right they are RIGHT. I had a great experience in the middle of the night last night with her. I hope the trend continues because she is a sweetheart.