Do you remember when and how you gave yourself your first wank?

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I don't know how sure taxes and death are but one thing is absolutely sure. I've been a tits maniac all my life ever since I gave myself the first wank as a very little boy. Honestly, I do not remember the exact age when I found my mother's pornography magazines and wanked on them on some big titted blonde being (tits)fucked and shit, but if I had to take a guess I'd say 9-10 maybe. However, I clearly remember having sexual lust in me as early as kindergarden. I remember the fucking teachers forced us to sleep between 2 and 4 but most days instead of sleeping I used to sneak from under the cover into the closet (there was a small closet by my bedroom) with a tiny crack in the door where the then young teachers dressed and undressed. To this very day I remember how hot one of those teachers was. Then later on, as I already said I found my mothers pornography hidden in the top shelve of the wardrobe but there was NO stopping this young , rising wanker. So that is how I started giving myself my first wanks. At first I remember there was no spunk, unlike today where I produce so much of that shit that when I splash it on a slut's face her own relatives can't recognize her, nor can the coroner using dental records lol. Some of those squirts may have knocked some teeth out too lol. Who knows?

So share with us, if you remember, as some of you are old farts and probably don't remember shit about that, but if you do share your first wank and first sexual experiences.

Subsequently, around the age of 16 I discovered how wonderful prostitution is and have been using it ever since and will for the rest of my fucking days on this earth.