Are you....

tatasddd's Avatar
Stuffing some like a Thanksgiving Turkey this year? Next month is Thanksgiving. One year I saw Taytum around that day thus the term " Stuff you like a Thanksgiving Turkey" came into being lol.
You did not coin that phrase, or the usage.
bambino's Avatar
You did not coin that phrase, or the usage. Originally Posted by Atomic Hamster
Tatts as been stuffed like a double whopper with cheese more than Taytum has been stuffed like a turkey.
tatasddd's Avatar
You did not coin that phrase, or the usage. Originally Posted by Atomic Hamster
You are as wrong as can be my friend. There are two terms I invented and they are " Stuff you like a thanksgiving Turkey" and " A woman of public usage". The term Stuff like a turkey came into being after I reviewed Taytum years ago during one of my first sessions with her on TOS. Check your facts before you open your mouth or have someone tell you the story but maybe you weren't yet in prostitution in those years. I don't know.

So, are you stuffing any woman of public usage this thanksgiving like a turkey?
tatasddd's Avatar
Also, this is an actual expression in my native language. Even though I speak and write English like I fuck, it still is a second language for me. So I basically " borrowed" that phrase from my native language and translated it word for word in the English language. So yes, I am the inventor of it as much as you may hate that or deny it.
The phrase was popularized in 1997 in the movie Liar, Liar. Which according to your own history of Tatum preceded you meeting her. Not to mention, I recall hearing it all the time at the VFW as a kid when I would hang out with my grandpa's old war buddies when they would talk about the LBFM'S they frequented.

Do your own research
tatasddd's Avatar
The phrase was popularized in 1997 in the movie Liar, Liar. Which according to your own history of Tatum preceded you meeting her. Not to mention, I recall hearing it all the time at the VFW as a kid when I would hang out with my grandpa's old war buddies when they would talk about the LBFM'S they frequented.

Do your own research Originally Posted by Atomic Hamster
Well OK then. I didn't know that so let's then say I co-authored it lol, or at the very least I first started using it on the boards. Anyway, I won't argue over pointless shit like that. Have a good day!
Let's not say you co-authored it. That would be like me trying to take credit for the terms asshat, douchebag or any of the jokes from the Raw and Naked Comedy PPV'S from the 90's.

Or stealing the BK Lounge jokes from Dane Cook.
pyramider's Avatar
Stealing lines from Dane Cook? Has he ever said anything worth repeating?
Jokes he stole from others
tatasddd's Avatar
Jokes he stole from others Originally Posted by Atomic Hamster
I already said I am not arguing over pointless shit like this.
That was about Dane Cook.
Those phrases have been used long before pussy had you.
I already said I am not arguing over pointless shit like this. Originally Posted by tatasddd
And we know that the point isn't who made the joke, it's that the thought enabled you to brag about treating the woman you see like pieces of meat. And it will be confirmed over, and over, and over ......

Those phrases have been used long before pussy had you. Originally Posted by littlesinned
I see what you did there. I think that's his personal battle. Who owns whom. Collateral damage comes to mind.
berryberry's Avatar
And we know that the point isn't who made the joke, it's that the thought enabled you to brag about treating the woman you see like pieces of meat. And it will be confirmed over, and over, and over ......
Originally Posted by String Nutts
Which is why woman who see him lose a ton of potential customers as numerous other guys have reported they stay away from seeing providers who have seen Titsfuck