How many of us are left from ASPD?

Austin and Dallas forums had threads going like this and I found a cool pic along the way! Joined that site back in 03' myself. Dallas folks even had former provider pics of their favs. Thought I'd share.

Dallas thread -

Austin Thread -
Precious_b's Avatar
Same handle there as here.

Would love to be able to pull up my old reviews.
JusticeMutt's Avatar
Same handle there as here.

Would love to be able to pull up my old reviews. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Ditto with both your statements Pb
SpursFan's Avatar
Plus 1 here.

Same handle with thousands of posts and a whole bunch of reviews gone to la la land.

It was brought back for awhile as I use to re-visit but now is history.

Me too, same handle also...
flinde's Avatar
Oh come on, ASPD? Yesterday. How many Delphi guys here? Or Redsnake?

I was flinde on aspd till not taking kindly to being bullied by Wicked Milf's mod WK and being bounced for telling mods to go fuck themselves. Then I broke all the rules and was vicegrips.

flinde on Delphi, Redsnake.
j_mack4u's Avatar
Just getting my feet wet on ASPD when it imploded, not sure if I had the same handle or if I wrote a review or not. Made the transition to eccie probably about the same time as most.
Chuck10's Avatar
I was also on that board with the same handle.
I found ASPD back in 2003. Just as here, wasted too many hours reading on that site. I didn't get up the balls to see my first provider on there until 2007. I was still wasting too much money in the strip clubs. After that is was a weekly hunt for "New Strange."

I felt like a newbie again when it shut down and had to start over on here. But I kept the same handle and many remembered me.
FootLong's Avatar
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Was my initiation site, novice until it's demise, different handle.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I've been around since 02. Nothing, could be compared to ASPD. They kept there site clean and drama free. That site will always be missed. Amber, did one hell of a job to keep it all together....
sorreltop's Avatar
Joined 05,same handle
I started with ASPD in Jan 2007 I miss those socials!