Can someone tell me why what this idiot is advocating is ok on eccie

Ok so i'm normally not one to pick a fight but i thought this was a community for people in this hobby with brains and decency.

So when did being abusive in your post, being a racist and bragging about brandishing hidden firearms become ok or acceptable here?

I have reported his post to mods on several occasions and no one is saying anything to this creep.

Here is his latest post can someone please tell me why this bullshit is allowed on our board? The fact that it is makes me want to leave eccie. smh i thougt eccie held it self at a higher standard.

I guaranteed you all that they won't allowed another black man in there again. Sorry to say but majority of the black guys are nothing but robbers and murderers. I bet the NAACP isn't saying anything about this. Same incident at that time with me with that Shannelle girl who had a pimp outside waiting for me and I did him away just right too. End of the story. I'm actually advocating for all guys to carry concealed weapon with you inside your car in case you may need to defend yourself.

Even legitimate provider can setup tricks and games for you to get rob. Originally Posted by reliableakura
Naomi4u's Avatar
All I can say is.. wow!
Double wow! Not only is he a racist, he insults every last one of us in that last line by stating outright that none of us are truly honest, and may set clients up for robbery. This person is dangerous, and should be banned.
@AngelOK I have been saying this for a minute now?
Check out his other post on the nola boards
gdiddy's Avatar
I don't know why there is so much surprise at his comment. Just like in the real world, you can say anything negative about black people that you would like to and it's fair game. Just because you you CAN be an obnoxious asshole doesn't mean that you should be. I'm sure if I start making idiotic statements about all white guys being meth addicts or child molesters then I would rightfully get flamed and probably banned as well.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Its an eccie conspiracy, you mean ya didn't know whites can do anything here? E.C.C.I.E really stands for Every Caucasian Client Is Exempt. Please, I really doubt eccie gives a shit what color anybody is.
gdiddy's Avatar
I don't think ECCIE itself really cares, but the racial obsession of some providers and hobbyists are a real downer on this board. To try to dismiss it all as a "conspiracy" because it doesn't affect you is just being willfully blind to reality. Nice acronym though Every Caucasian Client Is Exempt. I'll have to use that sometime.
PaganGuy's Avatar
Like it or not, ignorance is protected by the first amendment.. those who choose to be miserable, narrow minded, unevolved cretins just need to be shunned by polite society and left to wallow in their own mental filth.
There are scumbags..and wonderful, beautiful people of every race color and creed.
Wow is right. Ignorance must really be bliss, considering how many people willfully keep themselves there.

Between this and the cop that killed that girl, the past couple of days have been a good reminder of what could walk through my door at any given moment if my screening ever fails me. Sobering thought....
TBONE's Avatar
  • 02-05-2011, 09:52 AM
No we care..and read our guidelines..racism has no place here.

He's gone for awhile.Maybe he'll come back and have something to add to our community.If not no loss.

Naomi4u's Avatar
No we care..and read our guidelines..racism has no place here.

He's gone for awhile.Maybe he'll come back and have something to add to our community.If not no loss.

T Originally Posted by TBONE
Thank you
Thank you Tbone!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I don't know why there is so much surprise at his comment. Just like in the real world, you can say anything negative about black people that you would like to and it's fair game. Just because you you CAN be an obnoxious asshole doesn't mean that you should be. I'm sure if I start making idiotic statements about all white guys being meth addicts or child molesters then I would rightfully get flamed and probably banned as well. Originally Posted by gdiddy
I'm sure eccie will do what they can to knock this kind of shit in the head. No matter what race a prick is. From what I have seen in my short time here they are pretty fair, we aren't all pricks.

Feel free to use the acronym, but if you ever use in your sig line tag it -threepeckeredbillygoat. Lol
No we care..and read our guidelines..racism has no place here.

He's gone for awhile.Maybe he'll come back and have something to add to our community.If not no loss.

T Originally Posted by TBONE
Thanks from me, too, T-Bone!
burkalini's Avatar
This guy needs some counseling or a nice long stay somewhere away from the public