Private ❇️❤️Location❇️❤️VS. Hotel 🏨 Pros cons

Sonara's Avatar
Who here rather go to a hotel for a incall setting? I would like to know who feels safer at a hotel and why? Just a quick topic to OPEN up with ...
Hey OP
Badboy_71's Avatar
Hey Sonara. Great topic for discussion.

I think it depends on the location, especially when you are talking about safety. I have met providers at nice apartments and houses and felt completely comfortable. Most hotels/motels that are two stars and up are just as good (Motel 6 or better).

Location can set the mood. I've been to ladies' places where there's various things that have been off putting to me - baby toys/diapers all over the place, a boyfriend who is in the living room blaring the stereo when I'm going into the bedroom, and places that look like they should be condemned - the ladies are nice, but I would not be inclined to return to any such locations. On the other hand, I recall meeting an amazing provider at a roach motel in Raytown - as I left, a police cruiser was circling the building! I'm sure the guys and ladies all have stories of sketchy settings they have encountered.

Personally, if your incall is Motel 6 or better, I usually feel happy and safe.
Part of town matters more to me, ease of room access also. Definitely don't have someone else hanging out, that is just weird. Unless it is another girl that is going to join. :-)
Sonara, your setup is perfect currently. Clean and well kept, and easy access. Private and away from prying eyes.
I think all of the gents present valid point, but I also like being in a hotel surrounding as it is neutral ground. And, Lowstress65, your assessment is spot-on.
DallasRain's Avatar
as long as youre seeing a reutable well reviewed provider and not a gutter rat... and its safe and clean and shouldnt matter.
i try to provide such when i visit is a priority
I prefer 3 star hotels....Holiday Inn, andvor express, Hampton, Hyatt. The larger the better, can blend in easily. I typically arrive early, sit in lobby, Im typically in business casual attire, and chill, relax until my time is near,cthen text and await response with room number to head up
For in-calls, I prefer a private long as 1) it is just that, private; 2) its located in a safe area/part of town, and 3) convenient parking is available.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Any incall is only as safe as you/I make it to be .
I like the larger chain hotels to blend in for myself & my guest .
Before C-19 it was easy to blend in , now hotels are not as busy so hope every on stays Discreet no matter hotel or private incall .. Heck I'v gone to some Outcalls I wished I taken my own sheets and towels , so now I do
Just blend in where ever and who you are visiting .
dumars's Avatar
Depends on reputation, in my view.

For the unknown and, sometimes, for the traveler, incall results in shortchanged activities or activities advertised not available, far too often!

MuffLuver's Avatar
I enjoy meeting providers I have history with at their place (home,apt) - Hotels can be stressful for a number of reasons and its nice meet with someone in their own space.
yourdesire's Avatar
Personally I do both. I have a private In location but feel it's important to take it away from here once in awhile. Especially during covid-19 when neighbors are home more often. As for hotels I won't do motel 6 or anyplace in that range. And if the reviews aren't atleast 8 or close to it I won't bother to read reviews let alone book the place.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Guess I don't understand ??
Depends on reputation, in my view.

For the unknown and, sometimes, for the traveler, incall results in shortchanged activities or activities advertised not available, far too often!

Originally Posted by dumars
FrankieP's Avatar
I can be comfortable at either. Both depend on location really. I know hotels can be a pain with “unregistered guests” lately, So a room with its own entrance is probably more discreet. But that generally lowers the classiness of the hotel which also makes me blink. Shit, I dunno. I just need to get laid more often.