ALERT: about clicking on banners here

ProviderRider's Avatar
A few days ago I was on this site just browsing and decided to click on Citivibe to look for info of girls in area. A couple hours later my cousin contacted me and told me there was something on my facebook that I may not want there. I went and looked and for all my friends to see was "I LIKED CITIVIBE AND ESCORTS AND MASSAGE PARLORS".... Although it is true it is also BULLSHIT to attach that to my facebook. This is a private site and facebook is public as far as my life goes. I didnt click on a damn thing that said it was going on my facebook. So now I wont be clicking on any banners here and probably some more wont after they read this, therefore that was DUMB of them to try and gain extra advertisement. Be careful guys .
Quentintime's Avatar
Wow...I was expecting to read you picked up a virus from the link. That sh!t is no good!
You probably clicked on the like button by accident. I just clicked on the banner and nothing happened to my facebook account.
How can this happen? The only way I can guess is that your e-mail address here and your facebook address are the same. I have a "real life" e-mail and then a hobby e-mail and the two are never linked.

Is there another way this could happen? Even if I inadvertently clicked on a facebook button my hobby e-mail is not connected to a FB account.

Inquiring minds want to know.
if he was logged into facebook at the time, it's possible.
Kelticwind's Avatar
Happens all the time on my IPhone, IPad, best bet keep email address separate and always log out of Facebook and twitter, just wait till you've sent out a tweet to you friends about what your up to.
ProviderRider's Avatar
Ok, just learned a few thing I didnt know. Thanks guys. Yes my e-mails are the same for one and not sure if I was logged in to facebook at the time. I know dang good and well that I wouldnt "share" any of this to facebook and why that option is programed into a site like citivibe or any private site is ridiculous. First I know they want advertising but that kind is bad from them and me. All it would take is the right wife out there to see what is available and try and put a stop to it. My opinion, women that use pussy to get what they want dang sure dont want to know that there husband or boy friend have easy options. JS
Sydney Pure's Avatar
If I were you babe I would keep my hobby email and my personal/work email separate!! If you were on an iPhone very possible with the account getting merged I have several apps on my phone that do the exact thing just matters what Facebook or twitter I have open. The reason why I say change your email and not to scare anyone but never underestimate the power of google or just the Internet!! Your experience Is just an example!! And your email is linked to everything you do sometimes Not cool!!
If you have face book open on a tab it can do it aut..omatically.